COMP/XJCO2421 Numerical computation

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Module title
Numerical computation
Module code
Assignment title
Final coursework
Assignment type and description
Coursework. Exploring methods for solving nonlinear equations and differential equations.
Testing the understanding of learning outcomes in practical situation
Word limit and guidance
Suggested word limit given in each section totalling 800 words
Submission deadline
2pm, Wed 18 Dec, 2024
Submission method
Feedback provision
Individual feedback in gradescope
Learning outcomes assessed
- Use, data-based arguments to justfy choosing a computational algorithm appropriately, accounting for issues of accuracy, reliability and efficiency;
- Understand how to assess/measure the error in a numerical algorithm and be familiar with how such errors are controlled;
- Implement simple numerical algorithms accurately and present results in a variety of forms.
Module lead
Thomas Ranner
Other Staff contact
(COMP) Yongxing Wang, (XJCO) Zhiguo Long

Figure 1: Schematic of set up.

1. Assignment guidance

In this coursework, you will use a combination of your implementations and software libraries to explore different numerical schemes and you will analyse the methods and results.

2. Assessment tasks

In this coursework, you will be writing a report for your boss at BigNumComp Inc helping them choose a numerical method. You should assume she has the knowledge of a second year undergraduate Computer Science student at the University of Leeds.


Your boss wants to find effective numerical methods for working our how fast a firework should be fired so that it explodes at a certain height.

First, the firework is modelled using a differential equation in terms of its height y(t) and velocity v(t), as shown in Fig. 1:

where m is the mass of the firework, g is the downward force due to gravity and k determines how strong the air resistence is for the firework. The system is complemented by the initial conditions
y(t = 0) = 0 and v(t = 0) = a.

Here a is the unknown initial upward velocity of the firework. We denote by y(t; a) the solution of the differential equation with initial velocity a.

The firework explodes after a fixed time T. The problem is to determine the value a which would mean the firework explodes at a height H. Equivalently, we can say this mathematically as finding the value a which solves the nonlinear equation

F(a) = y(T; a) − H = 0.

Your boss, helpfully, suggests two test cases for you to consider:

(a) First, test only the solver for the differential equation. Use the parameter set
m = 1, g = 10, k = 0.1, a = 15 and simulate to T = 1. The exact solution at t = 1 is given by
5(log(13/4) + 2 log(cos(1 − cos−1 (2/ √ 13)))) ≈ 5.891794628863073.
(b) Second, combine the solver for the differential equation with a nonlinear solver.
Use the parameter set m = 1.3, g = 9.81, k = 0.05 for the differential equation and T = 1.5, H = 10.0 for the nonlinear solve, so that we want to find the root of
F(a) = y(1.5; a) − 10.0.


You recognise this problem as being solvable using some methods you have seen in the course and know there are other methods available too. In your preliminary research you find a company internal solver for systems of differential equations (attached as However, your company does not currently have anything useful for nonlinear equations.

You will solve both parts of the task using three methods from the library and implement the bisection and secant methods for part (b). You will analyse the results using techniques from the module and make a recommendation about which combination gives the best results and how to best choose parameters.

You should include all the sections in the template in your report. There is guidance of what to include in each section and a guidance word limit for each section too. Code, tables and equations do not count in the word limit. The word limit is only guidance and no penalties will be introduced for going over the limit. You should aim to write less than the word count to ensure your writing is concise and understandable to your audience.

You should submit a jupyter notebook including all computations as your report.

You should write in full sentences throughout to guide the reader through what you are doing. There is no need to include the file in your solution. You should write text in Markdown blocks and include all code for the implementation and generating results in Code blocks. You should submit your evaluated jupyter notebook. Your final submission should be less than 1MB.

Library documentation

solvers Solve differential equations.
Solve the differential equation(s) specified by
y′(t) = f(t, y) subject to y(t0) = y0.
The problem is solved using a specified method from t0 to a final time T using a timestep dt.
rhs A python function describing the right hand side function f of the differentialequation. The function takes two arguments: the first represents t for time andthe second represents the solution y which may be either a floating point type or
a numpy array for the case of multiple differential equations.
y0 The starting value of y - accepts either a floating point type or a numpy array for
the case of multiple differential equations.
t0 The starting time t0.
dt The time step dt.
T The final or stopping time.
method The method used to advance the solver given as a string. The method should
be one of
• "Heun"
• "Ralston"
• "Van der Houwen"
• "SSPRK3"
• "Runge-Kutta"
• "3/8-rule"
• "Ralston-4".
t The time points where the solution was found as a list
y The estimate of the solution at each time point as a list

Sample code

Download the file and place it in the same folder as your code.

An example for solving the a single differential equation:

from solvers import solver
def rhs(t, y) :
return -y
y0 = 1.0
t0 = 0.0
dt = 0.1
T = 1.0
t, y = solver (rhs , y0 , t0 , dt , T)
An example for solving the a system of differential equation:
import numpy as np
from solvers import solver
def rhs(t, y) :
return np. array ([ -y[1] , y [0]])
y0 = np. array ([1.0 , 0.0])
t0 = 0.0
dt = 0.1
T = 1.0
t, y = solver (rhs , y0 , t0 , dt , T)

Solution template

(a) Implementation. First, write code to be able to solve the differential equationsusing the three methods you have chosen for arbitrary initial conditions (y(t =0), v(t = 0)), time step and stopping time (dt, T) and model parameters (m, k, g).

Then, write code to solve the nonlinear problem for arbitrary H and T, your three choices of differential equation solver and all the other differential equation solverparameters (y(t = 0), dt, m, k, g). [100 words]

(b) Results. Simulate and show results for each of the test cases suggested by yourboss for a range of time steps. For both test cases, you should use (at least) dt = T/10, T/20, T/40, T/80, T/160. You should demonstrate how solutions lookfor each method, and the accuracy and efficiency of each approach. [100 words]
(c) Analysis. Comment on the efficiency and accuracy of each approach and thedependence of any parameter values on the solution. [300 words]
(d) Conclusion. Compare the methods that you have results for, and any other relevant methods from the module, and make a recommendation of which method you think is best. [300 words]

3. General guidance and study support

Examples of how to approach each aspect of this coursework is given in lectures and using the online notes.

Further support for this assessment is given through the MS Class Team. Details of further support sessions will be given closer to the deadline.

4. Assessment criteria and marking process

Your work will be assessed on your code implementation, your results and their pre sentation, your analysis of the method and results, and your writing quality. Work will be marked as a final assessment for this module so your mark will only be given back as part of your final grade.

5. Presentation and referencing

The quality of written English will be assessed in this work - further details in the Rubric below. As a minimum, you must ensure:

  • Paragraphs are used
  • There are links between and within paragraphs although these may be ineffective at times
  • There are (at least) attempts at referencing
  • Word choice and grammar do not seriously undermine the meaning and compre hensibility of the argument
  • Word choice and grammar are generally appropriate to an academic text

These are pass/ fail criteria. So irrespective of marks awarded elsewhere, if you do not meet these criteria you will fail overall.

6. Submission requirements

Please submit your work via Gradescope by the deadline given. You should submit a jupyter notebook with all your code, text and results included in a single document. You are recommended to “reset the kernel” and “Run all cells” again before you submit. Your submission should be less than 1MB total.

7. Academic misconduct and plagiarism

  • Leeds students are part of an academic community that shares ideas and develops new ones.
  • You need to learn how to work with others, how to interpret and present other people’s ideas, and how to produce your own independent academic work. It is essential that you can distinguish between other people’s work and your own, and correctly acknowledge other people’s work.
  • All students new to the University are expected to complete an online Academic Integrity tutorial and test, and all Leeds students should ensure that they are aware of the principles of Academic integrity.
  • When you submit work for assessment it is expected that it will meet the Univer sity’s academic integrity standards.
  • If you do not understand what these standards are, or how they apply to your work, then please ask the module teaching staff for further guidance.

By submitting this assignment you are confirming that the work is a true expression of your own work and ideas and that you have given credit to others where their work has contributed to yours.

8. Assessment/marking criteria grid
The final assessment will be marked out of 50 according the following rubric.
Algorithm implementation (10 marks)

Algorithm(s) implemented accurately and efficiently. Professional quality code (Uniform formatting, unit tests where appropriate). No efficiency problems. Informative comments. All test cases implemented.
Algorithm(s) implemented with no errors. Some efficiency problems. Helpful comments throughout. All test cases implemented.
Algorithm(s) implemented with no errors. Some helpful comments. All test cases implemented.
Algorithm(s) implemented with minor errors. Some comments. All test cases implemented.
 Serious issues with code implementation resulting in inaccurate results.

Presentation of results (15 marks)

Results in a variety of appropriate formats (i.e. tables, plots, etc). Results and extensive additional useful information shown. Plots and tables labelled accurately. All test cases shown.
Results in a variety of appropriate formats (i.e. tables, plots, etc). Results and additional useful information shown. Plots and tables labelled accurately. All test cases shown.
Results in a variety of appropriate formats (i.e. tables, plots, etc). Results accurately shown. All test cases shown.
Attempts are carefully formatting results suitable for technical audience.
Some errors in plotting.
Basic or very limited results shared.

Analysis of results (20 marks)

Critical explanations using extensive additional useful information and additional computational experiments making reference to appropriate external literature covering all methods
Critical explanations using extensive additional useful information covering all methods
Descriptive explanations using additional useful information of suggested computational experiments covering all methods
Descriptive explanations based purely on suggested experiments covering all methods
No or very limited results explained

Writing (5 marks)

Outstanding structure and clarity of writing, all in a suitable language. No errors.
Clear structure and writing in suitable language. Some minor errors.
Well structured with mostly clear writing in suitable language. Some errors.

Structure could have been improved. Some text required careful reading. 

Language not appropriate for technical report.


Poor presentation and structure with unclear or confusion descriptions.

Many errors.

A External library reference

The source code for
from typing import Callable , List , Tuple , TypeVar
import numpy as np
# Butcher tables for each of the methods used
" Heun ": (
np. array ([[0.0 , 0.0] , [1.0 , 0.0]]) ,
np. array ([0.5 , 0.5]) ,
np. array ([0.0 , 1.0]) ,
) ,
" Ralston ": (
np. array ([[0.0 , 0.0] , [2 / 3 , 0.0]]) ,
np. array ([0.25 , 0.75]) ,
np. array ([0.0 , 2 / 3]) ,
) ,
" Van der Houwen ": (
np. array ([[0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0] , [1 / 2 , 0.0 , 0.0] , [0.0 ,
0.75 , 0.0]]) ,
np. array ([2 / 9 , 1 / 3 , 4 / 9]) ,
np. array ([0.0 , 1 / 2 , 3 / 4]) ,
) ,
" SSPRK3 ": (
np. array ([[0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0] , [1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0] , [0.25 ,
0.25 , 0.0]]) ,
np. array ([1 / 6 , 1 / 6 , 2 / 3]) ,
np. array ([0.0 , 1.0 , 1 / 2]) ,
) ,
"Runge - Kutta ": (
np. array (
[0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0] ,
[0.5 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0] ,
[0.0 , 0.5 , 0.0 , 0.0] ,
[0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0] ,
) ,
np. array ([1 / 6 , 1 / 3 , 1 / 3 , 1 / 6]) ,
np. array ([0.0 , 0.5 , 0.5 , 1.0]) ,
) ,
"3/8 - rule ": (
np. array (
[0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0] ,
[1 / 3 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0] ,
[ -1 / 3 , 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0] ,
[1.0 , -1.0 , 1.0 , 0.0] ,
) ,
np. array ([1 / 8 , 3 / 8 , 3 / 8 , 1 / 8]) ,
np. array ([0.0 , 1 / 3 , 2 / 3 , 1]) ,
) ,
" Ralston -4": (
np. array (
[0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0] ,
[0.4 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0] ,
[0.29697761 , 0.15875964 , 0.0 , 0.0] ,
[0.21810040 , -3.05096516 , 3.83286476 , 0.0] ,
) ,
np. array ([0.17476028 , -0.55148066 , 1.20553560 ,
0.17118478]) ,
np. array ([0.0 , 0.4 , 0.45573725 , 1.0]) ,
) ,
# types for y variable in solver
y_type = TypeVar (" y_type ", np. ndarray , np. double )
def solver (
rhs : Callable [[ np. double , y_type ] , y_type ] ,
y0: y_type ,
t0: np.double ,
dt: np.double ,
T: np. double ,
method : str ,
) -> Tuple [ List [np. double ] , List [ y_type ]]:
Solve the differential equation (s).
Solve the differential equation specified by
y ’(t) = rhs (t, y) subject to y(t_0) = y_0 .
The problem is solved numerical using METHOD from t0 to T
using a time step dt.
A function describing the right hand side of the
differential equation (s)
The starting value of y
The starting value of t
The time step
The final or stopping time
The method used to advance to solver . method
should be one of:
Heun , Ralston , Van De Houwen , SSPRK3 , Runge -Kutta
, 3/8 - rule , Ralston -4
The time points where the solution was found
The estimate of the solution at each time point
# set initial data into solution arrays
t_out = [t0]
y_out = [y0]
# extract method helpers
matrix , weights , nodes = TABLEAU [ method ]
s = len ( weights )
k: List [ y_type | None ] = [ None for _ in range (s) ]
# count steps
timesteps = int (T / dt)
# time loop
for step in range ( timesteps ):
# build k’s
for i in range (s):
temp = sum( matrix [i, j] * k[j] for j in range (i) )
k[i] = rhs( t_out [ -1] + dt * nodes [i] , y_out [ -1] +
dt * temp )
y_update = sum ([k[i] * weights [i] for i in range (s) ])
y_new = y_out [ -1] + dt * y_update
t_new = t_out [ -1] + dt
t_out . append ( t_new )
y_out . append ( y_new )
return t_out , y_out
def example_code_1 () :
Example code for single differential equation
The problem is y ’(t) = y subject to y(0) = 1.0.
The problem is solved with dt = 0.1 until T = 1.0 using
Heun ’s method
def rhs1 (t: np. double , y: np. double ) -> np. double :
return -y
t, y = solver (rhs1 , 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.1 , 1.0 , " Heun ")
def example_code_2 () :
example code for system of differential equations
The problem is (x ’(t), y ’(t)) = ( -y(t), x(t)) subject to
(x (0) , y (0) ) = (1.0 , 0.0)
The problem is solved with dt = 0.1 until T = 1.0 using
the Runge - Kutta method
def rhs2 (t: np. double , y: np. ndarray ) -> np. ndarray :
return np. array ([ -y[1] , y [0]])
t, y = solver (rhs2 , np. array ([1.0 , 0.0]) , 0.0 , 0.1 , 1.0 ,
"Runge - Kutta ")
if __name__ == " __main__ ":
for method , ( matrix , weights , nodes ) in TABLEAU . items () :
# test methods are explicit
np. testing . assert_almost_equal (np. tril ( matrix ) ,
matrix )
# test methods are consistent
np. testing . assert_almost_equal ( sum ( weights ) , 1.0)
# test dimensions match
n, m = matrix . shape
assert n == m
assert n == len ( weights )
assert n == len ( nodes )
example_code_1 ()
example_code_2 ()
B Changes
2024.11.19 The original version of this document did not give the value of a for test case (a). The value is given as a = 15.


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