January 2024
Principles of Project Management
This question asks you to think of your degree programme (‘course’) as if it were a personal project as away to demonstrate your understanding of relevant project management theory and practice (see ILOs 1 and 2 in particular, and the separate assessment criteria and marking rubric).
Imagine you were able to use what you have learned in this unit to manage your degree ‘project’ from the very start. What project management concepts and methods would you use to help you optimise the outcome of this project, and why? Explain how you would use the following core concepts if you were to manage your degree programme as a project.
• project lifecycle
• stakeholders
• quality and project success
• risk
• control
You may need to relate these to other concepts, theory, or models. But you must cover at least these in detail. You can write about each separately, or integrate them in a single narrative. Note that you should treatyour degree as a project from the perspective of your own experience of it, including non-academic aspects; we are not asking you to evaluate the management of the programme from the standpoint of the university, although the two are obviously related. Using figures or tables may help to illustrate your answer.
Support your discussion by drawing on relevant academic literature, citing and referencing using Harvard style. As a very rough guide, you might use between 6 and 12 sources in support of your analysis. But show that you have read beyond the Essential readings; do not rely only on the core texts. If you use sources outside the reading list, explain in a footnote why you have used them. You will be penalized for citing irrelevant or poor quality sources, for instance relying on opinion blogs or non-academic sources to explain concepts.
Structure of your analysis
• Begin with a brief introduction that summarises how you are approaching this task.
• Then describe in detail how you would apply your project management knowledge to your degree.
o Explain why you would take each approach: how is it relevant, what would be its benefits?
o Critically assess weaknesses in your proposed methods when applying it to your degree: What might not work and why? In what ways does project management not apply?
o Your proposals should be realistic and relevant, and feasible at least in principle.
o Use academic or practice literature to support your arguments.
• Conclude with a summary of any insights this analysis has generated, and what, if any, steps you will take from now on to ‘manage’ your degree programme differently.
• Follow this with the list of references you have citedin the text.