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STAT606: Computing for Data Science and Statistics 1 Homework 0: Installing Jupyter and Python
Read this first. A few things to bring to your attention:
1. Start early! If you run into trouble installing things or importing packages, it’s best to find those problems well in advance, not the night before your assignment is due!
2. Make sure you back up your work! I recommend, at a minimum, doing your work in a Dropbox folder or, better yet, using git, which is well worth your time and effort to learn.
1 Installing Python (0 points)
To install Jupyter notebook, you will first need to install Python.
1. Download and install Python from this link: https://www.python.org/downloads/ You are free to install any of Python versions 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 or 3.12.
2. (Optional) conda1 is a package manager.2 Python comes with its own package manager, pip, which will be more than sufficient for our purposes this semester, so conda is entirely optional. Indeed, I mildly recommend against conda, because it often causes more problems than it solves, in my experience. Nonetheless, if you wish to learn how to use conda (e.g., because you want to list it on your r´esum´e), you should install it: https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/ en/latest/user-guide/index.html
2 Installing Jupyter (5 points)
Once you have installed Python (see previous problem), you are ready to install Jupyter notebook.
1. Follow the instructions here to install Jupyter Notebook: https://docs.jupyter. org/en/latest/install/notebook-classic.html. If you installed conda in the previous problem, follow the conda-specific instructions. Otherwise, follow the pipspecific instructions.
2. Read over the instructions for launching Jupyter Notebook: https://jupyter-notebook-beginner-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/execute.html
3. Read this overview of interacting with Jupyter Notebook: https://jupyter-notebook. readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/Notebook/Notebook%20Basics.html
4. Having gotten the hang of things, create a .ipynb file (short for IPython notebook; IPython was the old name for Jupyter) in accordance with the homework instructions on the course webpage: https://pages.stat.wisc.edu/~kdlevin/ teaching/Spring2024/STAT606/hw_instructions.html Make sure that your file matches the naming conventions and other instructions outlined, make sure it is running the Python 3 kernel, and add to it, at a minimum:
• a markdown cell containing the text Data science (please be careful to match capitalization– this is a programming course, and capitalization matters!)
• a code cell containing the Python code print(’hello world!’) Note: make sure your code matches the case and punctuation of the string exactly, or else the grader script will mark it as incorrect.
Don’t forget to submit your homework to canvas in accordance with the instructions linked above (i.e., inside a zipped directory, named according to the instructions, etc.). Failure to follow file naming and formatting instructions will result in lost points on future homeworks.