College of Business and Law
Assessment Brief
Submission and feedback dates
Submission deadline: Before 14:00 (UK time) on 2 May 2024
Please note this is the deadline for the submission of PowerPoint slides, the presentation will be at a later date. This assessment is not eligible for 48-hour late submission window because it is a group submission.
Marks and Feedback due on: 20 working days after presentation date
N.B. all times are 24-hour clock, current local time (at time of submission) in the UK
Submission details
Module title and code: Integrated Business Management Simulation UMSDMK-15-3
Assessment type: Group presentation
Assessment title: Task 1
Assessment weighting: 75% of total module mark
Size or length of assessment: Group presentation lasting up to 20 minutes. There is no limit to the number of slides, but the presentation cannot last longer than 20 minutes. If the group presentation is longer than 20 minutes the assessment team will ask you to stop speaking. The presentation must include:
· Cover slide (one) with team information
· Content slides
Module learning outcomes assessed by this task:
This module serves a capstone function in drawing together strands of learning from the module and your programme more widely. The purpose of this assessment is to present your virtual company in the context of the industry your team has been operating in. The assessment is designed to test the following module learning outcomes:
1. Integrate learning from a range of different disciplines (underpinned by prior programme learning) to holistically explore complex organisational situations
2. Effectively engage in practice-based learning through the application of a range of theoretical approaches, analytical techniques and tools to develop and implement strategic recommendations for achieving project objectives
3. Systematically understand the interrelationship of organisation theory and organisational practice.
4. Reflect critically on the ethical dilemmas, challenges of organisational change and working in a team
Completing your assessment
What am I required to do on this assessment?
This is a team submission. Your team is required to complete a review and analysis of your virtual company in the context of the industry in which you have been operating in accordance with the assessment criteria set out below. The review and analysis will be assessed during a live presentation on campus. The presentation slides must be submitted in PowerPoint. The submission date for the PowerPoint slides is not the date of the live presentation. The date for the presentation will be published at a later.
You are not permitted to use the notes function in PowerPoint and a script is not required. Any notes included as part of the PowerPoint submission will not be read. If a script is submitted together with the PowerPoint submission, it will not be read.
Key points to bear in mind:
1. Your presentation must be submitted in PowerPoint.
2. There is no maximum number of slides, however your presentation when delivered live (on campus) must no last longer than 20 minutes.
3. Your cover slide (first slide) must include:
· Company name
· Industry group
· Names and student numbers of all team members
4. All citations must be properly references on a separate slide at the end of the presentation slide pack.
You are advised to bear in mind the visual impact of your slides and avoid filling the slides with text. Consider the PowerPoint slides as an aid to your presentation that will assist you and your team in the delivery of the live assessed presentation.
Your live presentation (on campus) will be assessed by two academics who are members of the module teaching team.
The presentation must address each of the components set out in the assessment criteria (weightings provided in brackets):
1. Vision, values and direction (20%)
2. Industry analysis (10%)
3. Analysis of capabilities (20%)
4. Performance results (5%)
5. Diagnosis of performance (20%)
6. Critical incident (20%)
7. Future plans (5%)
Where should I start?
Read the assessment brief and the assessment criteria carefully. You are advised to meet as a team to discuss and agree who will address which components of the assessment criteria specifically. A good place to start in deciding what to include in your presentation is to review the decision logs you have submitted during semester. You will not have time in the presentation to cover everything you have done during semester so you will need to be selective. As a team you will need to address all the assessment criteria, which can also provide a useful structure for your presentation.
What do I need to do to pass?
In order to pass this assessment, as a team you are required to address each of the components stipulated in the marking criteria. The marking criteria below includes a breakdown of each component to guide you.
How do I achieve high marks in this assessment?
Please refer to the assessment criteria below where the requirements are clearly stated.
How does the learning and teaching relate to the assessment?
As stated earlier, this is a capstone module that draws together learning from the module and also your respective programmes more widely.
Lectures 1-4 cover core aspects of the simulation, how it will be run during semester and key aspects of engaging with the simulation. The weekly tutorials are designed to support you and your team in understanding the simulation and then managing your weekly decisions. Your tutors will support you in your decision-making, but they will not make the decisions for you. Your team will be required to submit decision logs detailing the rationale for your decisions and these will be helpful to you in developing your presentation. By completing the decision logs diligently as a team you will be providing evidence you can draw on in developing the presentation. Tutors may provide feedback on the decision logs when you submit them each week.
The penultimate lecture is titled ‘What Can We Learn from the Simulation’, the purpose of which is to provide Task 1 assessment guidance. The final week of teaching is dedicated to Task 1 assessment support.
What additional resources may help me complete this assessment?
You should also refer to:
· FAQs and other resources on the module Blackboard page
· Specific UWE library study skills pages i.e.
· Office hours
What do I do if I am concerned about completing this assessment?
UWE Bristol offer a range of Assessment Support Options that you can explore through this link, and both Academic Support and Wellbeing Support are available.
For further information, please see the Academic Survival Guide.
Marks and Feedback
Your assessment will be marked according to the marking criteria set out below.
You can use these to evaluate your own work before you submit.
It is anticipated that all members of the team will be awarded the same mark for this assessment, however there will be a peer evaluation that may be used to differentiate marks across a team. Contributions will need to be significantly different across the team to affect the mark. Details of this peer evaluation will be provided during semester.
Module Code: UMSDMK-15-3 Airline Industry Group: _________ Name of team being assessed:__________________________________
Academics marking assessment: ________________________________________ / _____________________________________________
Component |
Fail (<4) |
D (4-4.99) |
C (5-5.99) |
B (6-6.99) |
A (7-10) |
Weight |
Vision, Values and Direction.
o Provides an overview of the company’s vision, values and sustainability/CSR stance and its overall strategy and evaluates the extent to which these have adequately driven the firm’s decision making |
Reveals little knowledge of the purpose of these elements |
Provides some description of the purpose of these elements and relates to company |
Is able to articulate the purpose of these elements and provides linkage to company experience |
Provides an evaluation of the purpose of these elements relative to decision making; examines issues of alignment or change |
Evaluates and synthesizes purpose of these elements and alignment to, or changes in, company’s decision-making and strategy |
20% |
Industry Analysis. o Analyses industry structure using appropriate theoretical tools drawn from prior learning including insight into the basis of competition between the firms
o Uses Airline data to support assertions |
Reveals little knowledge or evidence of these analyses |
Has some evidence of these analyses but has severe weaknesses: - missing - listed without any explanation - lack of theoretical framework |
Has not covered all analyses, has made logical errors, or could have developed or explained analyses more coherently |
Has covered all analyses but one or more is not fully developed or consistent |
Excellent - all components covered; applies appropriate theory; makes full use of Airline data |
10% |
Analysis of Capabilities. o Analyses company's internal capabilities as they relate to implementing chosen strategy (examines source of capabilities encompassing functional areas of HR, Marketing, Operations; Finance and Accounting)
o Uses Airline data to support assertions |
Reveals little knowledge or evidence of these analyses |
Has some evidence of these analyses but has severe weaknesses: - missing - listed without any explanation - lack of theoretical framework |
Has not covered all analyses, has made logical errors, or could have developed or explained analyses more coherently |
Has covered all analyses but one or more is not fully developed |
Excellent - all components covered; applies appropriate theory; makes full use of Airline data |
20% |
Performance Results. o Describes main firm performance over time and relative to others (including but not limited to comparing actual performance with Balanced Scorecard targets outlined in Strategic Plan, etc) o Visual presentation of data (e.g. use of any diagrams, charts, tables etc) clearly illustrate points made
Little if any data provided on firm performance
Limited, incomplete discussion of firm performance. Visual presentations of data are missing data or are flawed |
Provides some discussion of performance relative to Balanced Scorecard. Visual presentations of data illustrate most key points clearly |
Analysis of performance reveals understanding of interdependencies between different indicators in the Balanced Scorecard. Compares some actual performance to targeted objectives. Visual presentations of data illustrate points clearly |
Analysis of performance uses a wide range of indicators, revealing sophisticated understanding of the interdependencies between different indicators in the Balanced Scorecard. Has compared actual performance to targeted objectives. Visual presentations of data effectively communicate key points |
5% |
Diagnosis of Performance o Provides an overall assessment of the relative success of the company o Offers clear explanations of why hit/missed main strategic objectives, (including any managerial team disagreements).
o Examines rationale for change over time and evaluates the likely impacts of change on the company (including responses to or effects of critical incidents) |
Shows little understanding of these components of the performance diagnosis; little evidence they have been considered
Has attempted to diagnose company performance but analysis is incomplete, assumptions missing, and analysis offers little insight; little use of theoretical perspectives drawn from across student prior learning; may tend to be descriptive |
Has either not covered main components of the performance diagnosis or could have developed or explained analyses more coherently; some attempt to draw on theoretical perspectives from across student prior learning but limited application |
Has covered main components of the performance diagnosis but one or more is not fully developed or consistent; is able to evaluate major issues through theoretical perspectives drawn from across student prior learning |
Excellent – main components of performance diagnosis are covered. Reveals sophisticated understanding and analysis of company’s performance; provides a synthesis in explanation, reflecting sophisticated use of theoretical perspectives drawn from across student prior learning |
Diagnosis of ONE Critical Incident o Briefly describes the selected critical incident
o Evaluates decision-making leading to the selected course of action, the process applied to selection, dealing with disagreement within the team in relation to the critical incident and outcome |
Shows little understanding of the critical incident or fails to address the critical incident requirement |
Has identified one critical incident, but efforts to detail selection, decision-making, dealing with disagreement within the team offer limited insight |
Has identified one critical incident but has not covered all the components satisfactorily or could have developed further and offered better explanation |
Has covered all components, but one or more is not fully developed or is not consistent with the selected course of action. Reflection on outcome |
Excellent – all components of the selected critical incident are addressed. Reveals a clear decision-making process, conflict resolution protocol and reflection on outcome of the decision outcome |
20% |
Future Plans o Briefly outlines plans for next 4 quarters. o Describes the changes to firm's overall direction and policies and explains why |
Shows little understanding of these components; little evidence they have been considered |
Has attempted to outline future plans but plans are vague and not well considered |
Has either not covered all components of the future plans or could have developed or explained future plans more coherently |
Has covered all components of the future plans but one or more part is not fully developed or consistent |
Excellent -all components of the future plans are covered. Reveals sophisticated understanding and analysis of what the company should do next to enhance performance |
X 0.5 = |
Achieves Standards of Professional Presentation (Note: we are not judging you on your verbal use of English, only your overall organization of the presentation. We realize that for many students making a presentation can be daunting and therefore ask you to contact us during the module to discuss appropriate methods for making the presentation) |
Performance in the following meets a professional level for business communication – up to two marks deduction for each area of weakness Structure and Organization: o Had a strong opening or introduction with ‘Signposts’, a clear flow and logical transitions, between the points made and between speakers o All team members participated equally as a team Communication with the Audience: o The team handled questions well. o Slides were generally clear, free from error and informative o Overall, the team was able to communicate its message |
Deduction given (up to 10 marks):
Evaluation of each team member in terms of equality of role, understanding of material, and contribution to team presentation:
Team Member Name Did not Very much Somewhat About Somewhat Very much
attend lower lower the same higher higher
1. _______________________________________________ 0 1 2 3 4 5
Student Number from UWE ID
2. _______________________________________________ 0 1 2 3 4 5
Student Number from UWE ID
3. _______________________________________________ 0 1 2 3 4 5
Student Number from UWE ID
4. _______________________________________________ 0 1 2 3 4 5
Student Number from UWE ID
5. _______________________________________________ 0 1 2 3 4 5
Student Number from UWE ID
1. In line with UWE Bristol’s Assessment Content Limit Policy (formerly the Word Count Policy), word count includes all text, including (but not limited to): the main body of text (including headings), all citations (both in and out of brackets), text boxes, tables and graphs, figures and diagrams, quotes, lists.
2. UWE Bristol’s UWE’s Assessment Offences Policy requires that you submit work that is entirely your own and reflects your own learning, so it is important to:
· Ensure you reference all sources used, using the UWE Harvard system and the guidance available on UWE’s Study Skills referencing pages.
· Avoid copying and pasting any work into this assessment, including your own previous assessments or internet sources
· Develop your own style, arguments and wording, so avoid copying sources and changing individual words but keeping, essentially, the same sentences and/or structures from other sources
· Never give your work to others outside your team who may copy it.
· When submitting your work, you will be required to confirm that the work is your own, this will also include any work contributed to or completed by any member of your team. Text-matching software and other methods are routinely used to check submissions against other submissions to the university and internet sources. Details of what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it can be found on UWE’s Study Skills pages about avoiding plagiarism.