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CSE 3100 Systems Programming Fall 2024 Homework #5
Do not forget to submit your .c code to gradescope. A Makefile is provided.
Exercise 1. (100 points) Breaking the code
In a hacking competition, our team breaks into the adversary’s computer and finds the following files.
We cannot see the content of the seven encrypted files but we are able to see the content of file encrypt.c.
#define MAX 10240
int len = strlen(message);printf("len = %d\n", len);int msg[len];for(int i = 0; i<len; i++)msg[i] = (message[i] << shift) ^ key;write(fd, msg, len*sizeof(int));printf("%s\n", (char *)msg);
if(argc != 5){
printf("Usage: %s plain-text-file encrypted-file key shift\n", argv[0]);return -1;
}char message[MAX];int fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);if(fd < 0){
printf("Cannot open file %s\n", argv[1]);return -1;
}int len = read(fd, message, MAX);close(fd);assert(len > 0);
//note how we open the filefd = open(argv[2], O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 0600);if(fd < 0){
printf("Cannot open the file\n");return -1;
}int key = atoi(argv[3]);int shift = atoi(argv[4]);assert(key >= 0 && key <= 255);assert(shift >=0 && shift <= 24);encrypt(message, key, shift, fd);//remember to close the fileclose(fd);return 0;
From the code we can see that each character in the original message is converted to an integer by applying bit shifting (<<) and then an exclusive or (^) operation with a key. The number of shifts and the key are not known, since they are passed as command line arguments. We will use a brute-force method to try all combinations of shift and key values and see which combination reveals the original message.
To break the code, we use a dictionary to check the decrypted text. For example, we can count the number of words in the decrypted text, according to the dictionary. We can even be more creative and come up with better measures.
The content of the first few lines of the dictionary file dict.txt are the following.
if(argc != 2){
printf("%s encrypted-message\n", argv[0]);return 0;
}read_file_to_array("dict.txt");int encrypted[MAX];int len = read_encrypted(argv[1], encrypted);char message[MAX];strcpy(message, "");search(encrypted, len, message);printf("%s\n", message);return 0;
char decrypted[MAX];int max_score = 0;strcpy(message, "");for(unsigned char k = 0; k < 255; k++){
for(unsigned char shift = 0; shift <= 24; shift++){
decryption(k, shift, encrypted, len, decrypted);int score = message_score(decrypted);if(score > max_score){max_score = score;strcpy(message, decrypted);