AMATH 301 Homework 3: Coding portion

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Homework 3: Coding portion

AMATH 301, Winter 2025

Due Friday, January 31, 2025, 11:59PM in Gradescope

20 points

1.  (6 points) In Naive Gaussian elimination, small roundoff error can become amplified and lead to non- sensical results when a pivot value is small, even if it’s not identically zero.

We wish to solve the system:

where ϵ is a small, nonzero number.  Because the first pivot is ϵ, Naive Gaussian elimination will require division by a small number which may lead to large rounding error.

Copy the Naive Gaussian elimination and full Gaussian elimination (with partial pivoting) codes from Canvas,  contained within gausselim .ipynb.   Solve  the  system Ax  =  b  using the Naive  Gaussian elimination function, and we will call the solution xnaive  (the autograder will not check xnaive ). Then solve Ax = b again using the full Gaussian elimination function, which we call xfull  (again, not checked by autograder). If we consider xfull  to be the true value, then a measure of the error of xnaive  is:

error = ||xnaive — xfull || 2


is the 2-norm of x where

x = [ x1     x2     x3     x4     x5   ]T .

We will investigate what happens as ϵ shrinks.  Create a np.array object called epsvec containing the values 1, 0.1, 0.01, ··· , 10 −15  (note: decreasing order). For each such value of ϵ, determine the error of xnaive  as explained above.  Store the corresponding error values in a np.array object called errorvec. Finally, include the following lines of code to the end of your code, which will create a log-log plot of log10 (ϵ) on the x-axis and log10 (error) on the y-axis. The general trend should make sense.

logeps  =  np.log10(epsvec)

logerror  =  np.log10(errorvec)



plt.ylabel(’$\log_{10}( ||x_{naive}-x_{full}|| _2)$’)

2.  (7 points) Begin with full Gaussian elimination code from gausselim .ipynb in Canvas. Alter the code to keep track of the number of row flips performed in the process of the forward-elimination steps.  

If we want to look for trends in the number of row flips, we could create a random A matrix of size n × n, and a random b vector of size n × 1, perhaps full of integers from 0 to 99, and solve Ax = b using Gaussian elimination.

Use the following code to create such random A and b matrices:

np .random .seed(1)  #ensures  your  random  numbers  are  the  same  as  the  autograder’s


A=A.astype(np.float32)  #convert  integers  to  floating-point  objects  (decimals)


if  n==256:

bseedcheck  =  b

Create anp.array object nvec which contains the values of n = 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 (7 values total). For each value of n, run your altered full Gaussian elimination code to record the percentage  of rows which were flipped, and store that value in the np.array object percentflips.

  So, percentflips should contain 7 values, where the ith value is the percentage of rows flipped, when the length of b is the ith value of n.  By “percentage” we mean a number between 0 and 1 inclusive, not between 0 and 100. The general trend should make sense.

Make sure to reset the random number seed to 1 before creating each A, but do not reset the seed to 1 before creating each b (in other words, do not modify the order or content of the lines above– if you do, your random numbers will differ from the autograder’s.)  In order to check that the random numbers your code is producing are the same as the autograder’s, the autograder will check the vector bseedcheck, which is your vector for b when n = 256.  If that’s correct, it assumes that all the random A and b’s you created contain the right numbers.

3.  (7 points) In this problem we will solve Ax = b approximately using Jacobi iteration.  Use the following code to create a random b vector of size 10 × 1 as a np.array object called bjacobi, and a random strictly diagonally dominant A matrix of size 10 × 10 as anp.array object called Ajacobi. The solution x is a 10 × 1 vector.

np .random .seed(1)  #ensures  your  random  numbers  are  the  same  as  the  autograder’s

Ajacobi  =  0.01*np.random.randint(-50,51,[10,10])+10*np.eye(10)

bjacobi  =  np.random.randint(-50,51,[10,1])

Start at a guess of

x0  = [ 0   0   0 ··· 0 ]T

and use Jacobi iteration to repeatedly update xn ; call this new vector xn+1 .  The step distance from xn  to xn+1  can be quantified by the 2-norm:

step = ||xn+1 — xn || 2

Stop the Jacobi iteration as soon as the value of the step is below 10 −5 .  Store the values of the steps in a np.array object called stepvec.  So, the first entry of stepvec should be ||x1 — x0 || 2 , the second entry is ||x2 — x1 || 2 , and so on; the last entry should be the only value smaller than 10 −5 .

You can use as a starting point Kutz’s code below, which implemented Jacobi iteration on the system:

#  Jacobi  iterations

x  =  np.array([0]);  y  =  np.array([0]);  z  =  np.array([0])

for  j  in  range(100):

x  =  np.append(  x,  (7+y[j]-z[j])/4  )

y  =  np.append(  y,  (21+4*x[j]+z[j])/8  )

z  =  np.append(  z,  (15+2*x[j]-y[j])/5  )

if  abs(x[j+1]-x[j])  < 1e-5:



print(x[j  +  1])

print(y[j  +  1])

print(z[j  +  1])


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