Object-Oriented Programming Spring 2024

Syllabus: Object-Oriented Programming

Spring 2024

Catalog Description

Introduces students to the principles of object-oriented analysis, design, and programming. The focus is on developing creative thinking for analyzing a problem domain and designing a solution, and on using  the Python programming language (or other appropriate programming language) to implement it.

Pre- and Co-requisites

04:547:201 Introduction to Computer Concepts

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

 Employ critical reasoning to dissect the specifications of a basic application, subsequently crafting a comprehensive model of the issue at hand.

 Leverage the Python programming language to bring the envisioned solution to fruition.

 Harness the capabilities of various programming tools and libraries, enabling the efficient resolution of myriad business and scholarly challenges.

 Institute rigorous testing and debugging practices to guarantee the precision and performance of your application.

Course Website

You will use Canvas in this course for various purposes, including (but not limited to) the following:

 Retrieving course materials, including assignment instructions.

 Submitting your completed coursework.

 Participating in discussion threads.

· Communicating with the instructor, assistants, and classmates.

If you are having technical difficulties with Canvas, contact the Canvas helpdesk:

 Email support: [email protected]

· Phone support: 877 – 361 – 1134


The following assignments will be completed during the course of the semester. Due dates and additional details will be posted to the course website.

Assessment Points

Code Assignments and Quizzes

A series of small assignments for students to practice specific aspects of doing programming and work related to programming. Late submissions are allowed for up to 48 hours.  However, submitting an assignment late will impact the grade.  Please see the section below on late assignments for more detail. These will be assigned either weekly or bi-weekly.  The point worth will be determined on a per-assignment basis.  Quizzes will be generated on an as-required basis when a code assignment is not germane or will not suffice.  The lowest 3

combination of assignments and quizzes will be dropped when calculating the point total for this section.

Midterm and Final Project

For this course, both the midterm and final evaluations will be in the form of projects.

Comprehensive guidelines and criteria for these projects can be accessed on Canvas. We will also allocate class time for discussions, ensuring you have a clear understanding and can address any queries regarding the project expectations..

Student Evaluations/Reflections, Attendance, Participation 100

Communication during the term is important. We learn from each other as well as on our own. There will be opportunities for discussions in Canvas to share questions and feedback.

Before the semester ends, students will share some thoughts about the course and about what you will do with your new knowledge and skills. Being active in class discussions, participating in class activities, and completing tasks and code reviews.

Students are expected to attend all class sessions. Excused absences are only considered if evidence is submitted within 12 hours of the missed class session. After three absences your course grade is lowered by two percentage points (e.g., from 90% to 88%) for each absence.

Total points 1000


I am committed to reducing grade inflation in my courses. To that end, I adopt the following grading standards to ensure that an "A" is reserved for outstanding performance.


% of Total




90 – 100

work whose superior quality indicates a full mastery of the subject. An A represents work of extraordinary distinction.

B +

87 – 89.99

Work of good to very good quality but that does not merit special distinction.


80 – 86.99

C +

77 – 79.99

Designates an adequate command of the course material. Satisfactory


70 – 76.99

for undergraduate students, but unsatisfactory for graduate students.


60 – 69.99

Work that shows a deficiency in knowledge of the material. Unsatisfactory for undergraduate and graduate students.


0 – 59.99

Work that deserves no credit.

Course Organization



Start Date


Intro, Course introductions, Setup



Fundamentals: Python Coding Basics



Decision Making: Conditional Statements, Loops



Loops Cont. and Functions



Class Definitions and Mapping Data to Structures - Midterm Discussion



Input/Output (IO)



Exception Handling



Data Science Libraries and Tools: Jupyter Notebook, Pandas



Data Science Libraries and Tools Cont: Jupyter Notebook, Pandas



Working with the Web: HTTP and HTML - Final Project Discussion



Working with the Web Cont: Accessing Data via API



Advanced Topics



Advanced Topics (Cont.)



Final Project Work Week


Class Policies

Assignment due

All assignments are due according to the times posted on the course



Late assignments will lose one letter grade for every 12 hours past the

posted due date. All assignments close at 48 hours after their posted due

Late assignments

date, at which time no more submissions are allowed.

There are no late submissions allowed for the Final Project except where required by Rutgers University policy.

Late assignments will lose one letter grade for every 12 hours past the

Late assignments

posted due date. All assignments close at 48 hours after their posted due date, at which time no more submissions are allowed.

Assignment file


Students are responsible for the file integrity of their assignment

submissions. Files that are not gradable due to content or file corruption will receive no credit.

Students are expected to attend all class sessions. Excused absences

Class session

are only considered if evidence is submitted within 12 hours of the missed


class session. After three absences your course grade is lowered by two percentage points (e.g., from 90% to 88%) for each absence.

In hybrid classes, completion of the assigned weekly class exercise

Hybrid class

constitutes attendance in the hybrid component of the course. Skipping an


exercise is the same as skipping a class and therefore constitutes an absence.

Extended absence

If you must miss classes for longer than one week, you must contact the Dean of Students to help verify your circumstances.


No exceptions to this policy are made except where required by School or University policy.

Additional policies

Additional rules maybe posted to specific assignments on the course website.

Department and University Policies

Academic Integrity

The consequences of scholastic dishonesty are very serious. Please review Rutgers’ academic

integrity policy (http://academicintegrity.rutgers.edu/) . Multimedia presentations about academic integrity are also available here (http://www.scc.rutgers.edu/douglass/sal/plagiarism/intro.html) .

Academic integrity means, among other things:

 Develop and write all of your own assignments.

 Show in detail where the materials you use in your papers come from. Create citations whether you  are paraphrasing authors or quoting them directly. Be sure always to show source and page number within the assignment and include a bibliography in the back.

 Do not look over at the exams of others or use electronic equipment such as cell phones during exams.

 Do not fabricate information or citations in your work.

 Do not facilitate academic dishonesty for another student by allowing your own work to be submitted by others.

If you are doubtful about any issue related to plagiarism or scholastic dishonesty, please discuss it with the instructor.

Religious observance accommodations

It is University policy (University Regulation on Attendance, Book 2, 2.47B, formerly 60.14f) to excuse without penalty students who are absent from class because of religious observance, and to allow the make-up of work missed because of such absence.

Students are required to provide timely notification to instructors about necessary absences for religious observances and are responsible for making up the work or exams according to an agreed-upon schedule.

Examinations and special required out-of-class activities shall ordinarily not be scheduled on those days when religiously observant students refrain from participating in secular activities.

Absences for reasons of religious obligation shall not be counted for purposes of reporting.


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