Economics 4002.01: Intermediate Macroeconomic

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Economics 4002.01: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory, Summer 2024


In this course the tools learned in the principles of macroeconomics are built upon to expand your understanding of macroeconomic theory as it applies in our economy and society.  You will learn the measurement and structure of the national economy, how to assess short run and long run economic performance in our economy, the nature of business cycles, the framework of vari- ous macroeconomic theories and the environment andinstitutions of macroeconomic policy.

This course will take an in-depth look at these concepts as they relate to the U.S. and world economies borrowing heavily from your principles of macroeconomics.

Prerequisites:  You must have taken both Econ 2001 (Principles of Microeconomics) and Econ 2002 (Principles of Macroeconomics) or equivalent.


TextbookMacroeconomics,Eleventh Edition., by N. Gregory Mankiw. The course will largely follow the textbook but other related topics may be covered in lecture and will be added to lecture slides.

Mathematics: Martin Osborne’s website provides basic mathetmatical concepts:


I will use Carmen ( to post grades and class announcements, and dis- tribute class materials (lecture slides, quiz, etc.)


There will be 8 quizzes, one midterm, and final exam. Class attendance is not mandatory but highly recommended. Contributing to class discussions may be considered in the final grade. Class announcements of any sort – e.g.  quizzes, exams, class schedules, etc.  – will be posted on our course website, and it is your responsibility to check them out.


Weekly quizzes posted on Carmen should be completed by the due date.  Late submission will not be accepted. If you need or desire an extension on any homework, contact me in a timely fashion, as permitted by the need. There is no guarantee that you will receive an extension on any assign- ment, so plan your schedule carefully.


There will be two take-home exams, one midterm and a final exam. Instructions for the exams will be provided in class as the exam dates approach. The final exam will be comprehensive and cover the whole materials that we learned during the semester.  Make-up exams will be only allowed in the most extreme circumstances in accordance with University policy. Missed exams without a valid excuse will receive zero score and the final grade of F.


The course grade is determined by the following components:

Midterm Exam 35%

Final Exam 40%

Weekly Quiz 24% (3% × 8)

Quiz 0 1%


93-100:       A

90-92.9:      A-

87-89.9:      B+

83-86.9:      B

80-82.9:      B-

77-79.9:      C+

73-76.9:      C

70-72.9:      C-

67-69.9:      D+

60-66.9:      D

Below 60:    E

Please note that I do not round up grades, and I do not curve.


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