STAT E-100 SP 2024 Mission 1: Mental Health in Technology

STAT E-100 SP 2024

Mission 1: Mental Health in Technology


Study Context

1) (3 points) In under 250 words, provide three potential motivations (for example, medical, financial, legal, etc.) behind why this study could have been conducted and who could benefit from the findings.

Study Design

2) (2 points) Was the study design experimental or observational? How do you know?

Data Collection

Questions 3 to 5 refer to Mental Health and Technology dataset.

3) (1 point) What type of variable is Country (categorical or quantitative)?
What is the level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio)?
In a few sentences, justify your reasoning for the above choices.

4) (1 point) What type of variable is Age (categorical or quantitative)?
What is the level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio)?
In a few sentences, justify your reasoning for the above choices.

5) (1 point) What type of variable is Work_Interference (categorical or quantitative)?
What is the level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio)? Ignore the value ‘NA’. In a few sentences, justify your reasoning for the above choices.

Results and Discussion
*Please include the R code used to generate the output for the questions below (example on next page) and submit this assignment as a Word document or PDF file.

6) (2 points) Choose one categorical variable and generate a table that shows the count, proportion, or percentage. Write a sentence or two as though you are explaining the findings from the table to a novice audience.

7) (2 points) Generate a bar graph using the one categorical variable from question 6). Write a sentence or two as though you are explaining the finding(s) from the visualization to a novice audience.

8) (2 points) Generate a pie chart using the one categorical variable from question 6). Write a sentence or two as though you are explaining the findings from the visualization to a novice audience.

9) (2 points) Generate a contingency table using the one categorical variable from question 6), as well as one other categorical variable. The contingency table can show counts, proportions, or percentages. Share one or two findings from the table.

10)  (2 points) Generate a Mosaic plot using the two categorical variables from question 9. Write a sentence or two as though you are explaining the findings from the visualization to a novice audience.

11)  (2 points) Generate a bar graph using the two categorical variables from question 9. Write a sentence or two as though you are explaining the findings from the visualization to a novice audience.


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