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ECE 498 MA: CMOS IC Design
Problem Set # 1
Fall 2024
Topics: DC Operating Point
Due date: 13 Sept. 24
For the following problems, assume: µnCox = 100 µA/V2, VTH = 1 V.
Problem 1: For the circuit below, perform the following calculations:
a) Find I1 when VIN =1.2 V and R1 =2 kΩ.
b) If W/L of the transistor is changed to W/L = 80/1, compute the new value of overdrive voltage (VOV) such the current I1 remains the same as in part (a).
c) Find the maximum value of R1 which ensures that the transistor remains in saturation.
d) Determine the minimum value of supply voltage VDD to bias the transistor in saturation.
Problem 2: Consider the circuit below. For RD = 5 kΩ and RS = 1 kΩ, find ID, VD, and VS.
Problem 3: For the circuit below VIN = 2.8 V, find the value of ID and VOUT.
Problem 4: For the circuit below, find the values of R1, R2, R3.
Problem 5: Find currents I1, I2, I3 in the circuit shown below.
Problem 6: Determine currents I1, I2, and I3, in the circuit shown below. Assume R1 = 3.6 kΩ, R2 = 1.3 kΩ.
Problem 7: For the circuit below, find V1, V2, and V3.