ECON 102 Introduction to Macroeconomics

Hello, if you have any need, please feel free to consult us, this is my wechat: wx91due

Introduction to Macroeconomics (ECON 102 800), Fall 2024

Need Help? Have a Question?

If you have a question, you should first go to our ECON 102 Discord Server ( to see if the question has been answered; if not, you can post the question on our Discord.

If you feel your question is not appropriate for Discord, then you can email [email protected]. The T.A.s and I regularly monitor this email address and will do our best to respond to emails within 24 hours; however, we usually do not respond to emails over weekends. Please contact me using the [email protected] email and not my personal U of A email.

If you need help using Top Hat or Kritik, then you should contact their support team (contact information here).

Tutor Sessions: Tutor sessions are available to help you with this course and learn the material. The sessions will be in-person (Tory 8-28) and virtual. The tutor sessions will likely begin during the third week of the semester, and their hours will be posted on this calendar. The tutors are third and fourth-year honours economics students. If you are attending tutor sessions virtually, use this Zoom link:

Office Hours: I have office hours during which students can come to ask questions about the course. These are informal drop-in sessions where you can see me for help or just come to say hi! The Wednesday office hours will be hybrid (in-person at Tory 7-14 and Zoom), and Thursday office hours will be by Zoom only. You will use this Zoom link for my office hours:

Course Format: This is an online asynchronous course, allowing students to progress through materials at their discretion. However, adherence to assessment due dates, including exams and assignments, is mandatory.

Course Websites: This course extensively uses eclass. The following course material will be posted on the e-class course website: course content (module SCORMs), announcements, exams (and practice exams), and grades.

Minimum Computing Requirements: This is an online course, so students must have a computer that can run a currently supported version of Windows or MacOS, a webcam, and a reliable internet connection.

Course Description: Employment, inflation, international payments, monetary policy, and fiscal policy, all in the Canadian economy. Prerequisite: ECON 101 or consent of the Department of Economics. Not open to students with credit in ECON 204.

Required Textbook: Introduction to Macroeconomics (A. Gainer), Top Hat e-textbook. The book can be purchased at this website: See this link if you need help creating a Top Hat account or buying the textbook. When you purchase this e-textbook, you can access Top Hat’s platform, where the course’s homework is completed. It is easier and cheaper to buy the textbook from Top Hat with the above link instead of the bookstore.

Other resources:

Kritik: The course activities will be submitted and evaluated on this platform. You will sign up for Kritik by email invite. We will not use Kritik until week 4, so you will not receive an email invitation until week 3.

Instructions on how to sign up and use Top Hat and Kritik are at the end of this document (link here). Make sure you sign up for all of these resources with your “” email.

Please contact me if you are interested in the no-cost alternative for Kritik or Top Hat homework.

Tentative Class Schedule and Required Readings
Module 1, 1a & 1b (September 3-15)
Course Outline and Chapters 1 to 5
Module 2 (September 16-22)
Chapters 6 and 7
Module 3 (September 23-29)
Chapter 8
Module 4 (September 30 - October 6)
Chapter 9
Module 5 (October 7-20)
Chapter 10
Module 6 (October 21-27)
Chapters 11 and 12
Module 7 (October 28 - November 10)
Chapter 13
Reading Week (November 11-17)

Module 8 (November 18 - 24)
Chapter 14
Module 9 (November 25 - December 1)
Chapters 15 and 16
Module 10 (December 2-9)
Chapter 17

Core Topics from the Calendar Description

Textbook Chapters
Introduction (and Review of Microeconomics)
Chapters 1 to 6
Measurement Concepts and Definitions
Chapters 6, 7, 8 and 10
Money and Banking
Chapters 9, 11, and 12
The Foreign Exchange Market
Chapter 13
Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
Chapter 14
Policy Issues
Chapters 15 to 17

Exams and Assignments

Date and Time
Midterm exam (1 hour) (Modules 1-6/Chapters 1-12) (closed-book exam); can be written in-person or online
Oct. 28-Nov. 1 at the LAC or Nov. 1 (7am-9pm) for online exam
Final exam (2 hours) (Modules 1-10/Chapters 1-17, i.e., cumulative) (closed-book exam); can be written in-person or online
Dec. 10-16 at the LAC or Dec. 16 (7am-9pm) for online exam
Top Hat Quizzes
Sundays, 11:59 pm
Kritik Activities
Varies; see eClass

Missed Exams: If a student misses the midterm exam, they must email me immediately to notify me and to apply to write the deferred midterm exam. The deferred midterm exam will be held on November 7. If you miss a midterm and do not contact me, you will receive a mark of zero on that exam. You will not be able to have the percentage weight of your missed exam added to the percentage weight allotted to the final exam.

Students must apply to their home Faculty for a deferred final exam. The application form for Arts students is in Forms for Students on the Arts Student Services site. The deferred final is tentatively scheduled for December 20. Receiving alternate arrangements for the completion of term work is a privilege and not a right. There is no guarantee that late work will be accepted or that an absence will be excused. Misrepresentation of facts to gain an unfair academic advantage over other students is a violation of section 5.a in the Student Academic Integrity Policy. 

Grading: Students will be ranked according to the weighted sum of their assignments and exams. When assigning letter grades, I look for breaks between pools of students. The following table will give a rough idea of how the grading system works in this class; the actual percentage cut-offs may be higher or lower.

Letter Grade
Grade Point Value


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