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STT 277 Project
The purpose of this Project assignment is to allow the student to apply concepts, methods and techniques covered in this class to a problem and topic of interest to them.
This activity will give the students the opportunity to formulate a question, research information to see what is available regarding this question, gather data, apply analytic methods, summarize the analysis and possibly formulate a hypothesis that would lead to more data collection or more research.
The intent of this activity is not to find an answer to your question but to investigate and analyze available data that may help answer the question or lead to formulation of a hypothesis which would require more data collection.
1. Decide on a question you would like answered regarding a topic of interest to you. Select a topic that you would still be interested in investigating even after you have completed this class. Choose a topic you are passionate about and have a high level of interest.
Your final presentation is due at 11:59 PM November 23rd. You need to provide portions of this assignment according to the following schedule.
Item |
Section |
Percent of grade
Start Date
Due Date
A. |
Record and load a video explaining your question (no mor than 5 minutes.) |
2 |
9/24 |
10/6 |
B. |
Written Introduction |
12 |
10/7 |
10/16 |
C. |
Written Introduction and Analytical Plan |
10 |
10/17 |
10/31 |
D. |
Submit Exploratory Data Analysis |
15 |
11/01 |
11/09 |
E. |
Submit presentation recording |
30 |
11/10 |
11/23 |
F. |
Submit presentation deck, data, and data analysis |
5 |
11/10 |
11/23 |
G. |
Submit Code |
20 |
11/10 |
11/23 |
H. |
Submit individual student evaluation on assigned projects |
5 |
11/24 |
12/4 |
H. |
Grade from peer reviews |
3 |
Industry & Market ResearchAcademic Articles
They are also structured so you work on the project throughout the semester in pieces and not have to do everything at the end of the semester.
1. Video recording
You can use slides to focus your delivery. Include in your presentation the following:
• Background on your topic• The question you are investigating• The population you will be making inferences on• Research related to your topic• Reasons as to why studying this topic is relevant
2. Written Introduction
In addition to the background, you will discuss your research pertaining to the question you are addressing. State the question you are looking to answer specifically and succinctly. Mention why this topic is relevant and needs to be addressed. Be specific with respect to which population you are studying and identify a timeframe / scope (if applicable).
Specify which measure you will be your main response. Specify what data sources you will be using. And provide a list of references.
You will also submit a Group Grade Allocation. See the last item in this section (Group Grade Allocation).
The rubric for grading the Written Introduction is found in Appendix B.
3. Written Introduction and Analytical Plan
The Analytical Plan will mainly map out how you will be analyzing the data. In your Introduction you have stated the population of interest, a scope for your project and stated your hypothesis in plain language.
Your Analytical Plan does not need to be written in paragraph form. Include the following in your Analytical Plan:
4. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Determine which variables in your dataset are relevant for your project. Perform an EDA on your data set as demonstrated in class. Include summary statistics for all your variables in your reduced data set, histograms and boxplots, scatter plots, and correlations.
Your main deliverable will be a Panopto video presentation (no more than 15 minutes). It will consist of a title slide with your name provided. Followed by the Introduction, provide background information on your project illustrating that the topic has been researched. The next section would consist of the Question that is being addressed and why it is relevant to study this. And hypotheses are stated in general terms.
Then the analysis will follow showing relevant and concise information with graphical displays and results from statistical tests. 10/02/2024
This section would also include any additional insights or recommendations of future work that can be carried out. (This item is optional). Include a limitation of your study and finish with references.
Again, make sure your voice is audible, that you are in a private setting where outsiders will not interfere with the audio, and your frame does not cover your slides. Review your presentation before submitting it.
7. Review Classmates Presentations
You will be asked to view two or three other team’s presentation and grade them on specified criteria.
Introduction |
Points |
Clear introduction |
1 |
Provides bibliography |
0.25 |
Researches topic |
2 |
Connects research to own problem |
0.75 |
States Question |
1 |
States hypothesis in plain language |
1 |
Population of interest specified and scope defined |
1 |
Response identified |
1 |
Data set specified |
1 |
Why is this topic relevant? |
1 |
Total |
Analytic Plan |
Points |
Hypotheses stated in statistical terminology |
Data source |
0.5 |
Info about data: Why, who, when, what and how |
2 |
Sampling criteria if appropriate |
0.5 |
Sample size and number of variables |
1 |
Data Dictionary |
2 |
What is the response and exploratory variables |
1 |
Graphical display and for which variables |
1 |
Analysis technique |
1 |
Total |
10 |
Appendix C – Exploratory Data Analysis Rubric
Exploratory Data Analysis |
Points |
Summary / Overview |
4 |
Data Dictionary |
1 |
Summary Statistics |
1 |
Frequency Tables |
1 |
Histograms / Boxplots |
3 |
Bivariate Plots |
3 |
Correlation Table |
2 |
Total |
15 |
Presentation Total Score |
30 |
Title Slide with student name |
1 |
Research |
5 |
Clear background and research information as it sets up the question. |
Sufficient research has been presented showing the topic has been investigated. |
Question / Problem Definition |
The question investigated is clearly stated. |
2 |
The question investigated is relevant, interesting and a topic worthwhile to be investigated. |
1 |
Hypotheses have been stated as to what the analysis may provide. |
1 |
Analysis |
The source of the data is provided (Info about data: Why, who, when, what and how) |
2 |
Description of the variables in the data set is provided (Data Dictionary) |
2 |
Number of observations is included |
1 |
The appropriate techniques to answer the question were used. |
2 |
The analysis will help answer the question at hand. |
3 |
Conclusions |
There is a connection between the question proposed and the conclusion. |
6 |
Caveats / Limitations of your study |
2 |
Presentation Delivery / Professionalism |
1 |
References |
1 |