ACCFIN1001 Introduction to Business Reporting & Financial Accounting 2023/24

Assessment Brief 2023/24

Assignment Information

Course Code


Course Title

Introduction to Business Reporting & Financial Accounting



Question release date

18 January 2024

Submission date:

25 March 2024 (Monday)

Grades and Feedback to be released on:


Word limit

2,000 words maximum

1. Question

Financial statement analyses

Once you are allocated to a group of 4 or 5, you are required to:

•    Collaborate with other group members

•    Choose a particular type of external user groups amongst suppliers, customers, employees, government & regulators, and social/environmental activists

•    Access “Financial Analysis Made Easy” (FAME) via UoG Library

•    Undertake trend analyses of key financial ratios of 3 British companies in the energy sector (BP plc, National Grid plc, and Shell plc) for shareholders, lenders and your chosen user group for mostrecent 5 years

•    Provide in a report your analyses of both quantitative and qualitative information from FAME, the companies’ annual reports, and other external sources to help the three user groups with their decision making

2. Further Details

•    The report is expected to include 3 mini-reports (respectively for shareholders, lenders and your chosen user group) in addition to a brief introduction of the three companies and three user groups and overall evaluation and/or recommendations for the three user groups as well as limitations in the conclusion

•    The main body of the report made up of three mini reports is expected to extensively

employ graphs and diagrams, rather than raw numbersortables, to show the trends of key financial ratios of 3 companies

•    “A” grade will be awarded to reports which make sense of the identified trends by engaging qualitative information from annual reports and external sources

•    This assignment has been designed as a group project in order to demonstrate students’ ability to communicate clearly and appropriately in a group

Additional information for group assignment

Arrangements for forming groups and allocating roles

Groups will be created by our Programme Administrator, based on tutorial groups where possible.

Each member of the group is expected to make an equal contribution to the coursework overall. This might mean that members specialise in different areas, but their contribution should be of equal

value to that of others. Here are the different kinds of contribution that can usually be observed:


Communication and interaction:

Ability and willingness to communicate and interact within the group, so as to understand the project, assign roles, and carryout the tasks necessary for the successful completion of the project.


Creation and design:

Supplying ideas/suggestions for the subject matter, sources of information, essay design


Data search:

Searching for information/data to include in the essay


Evaluation of findings:

Analysis and interpretation of related information/data elicited


Preparation of the report:

Drafting the structure or parts of the report. Providing editorial comments.


Teamwork process:

Fore.g., leading, co-ordinating, facilitating, or encouraging team members

Meeting log

You should keep a record of all group meetings and should be attached to the end of the report after your reference list.  This record should show the date of each meeting, the student numbers of those who attended (do not disclose student names), the main items discussed, and the main decisions taken. This record does not need to be very detailed – one to two pages are sufficient. Please note that it is a requirement that this log is included in your submission.

Any serious complaints about group member non-contribution should be lodged with the course coordinator, Dr Paul Ahn, in the first instance.

Summary of key steps to good group work

1.    Get to know the group members

2.    Establish the ground rules

3.    Understand the task

4.    Define your roles

5.    Plan the work

6.    Check your progress

7.   Address the problems

8.    Help everyone pull their weight

9.    Complete on time

10. Evaluate your experience

Groups must discuss the Business School's Assessed Groupwork Policy and agree how they will apply it at their first meeting. The policy can be found on the Student Information Point Moodle.

Note that the School’s Coursework Group Policy is being revised as of August 2022 and may change slightly. We will update you when the policy is finalised.

Moodle forum

Group members must use the group forum provided to interact to ensure that no student is disadvantaged by not having a particular social media account.

3. Assessment Criteria

An overall grade will be awarded on the basis of evidence of:


Effectiveness of Introduction including clear statement of aims and approach

Analysis sections – quality/coherence of 3 sections for each of 3 user groups

Logical conclusions that relate to, and stem from, previous discussion


Extensive engagement of graphs and diagrams to show the trends of ratios

Interpretation of the trends using qualitative information

Advising 3 user groups for their decision making


Style and quality of written communication as well as user-friendly graphs

Good report structure including clarity and conciseness


4. Feedback

Feedback on your assignment will normally be provided via Moodle. Generic (class-level) feedback and grade profiles will normally be posted on Moodle.

Students can use academic staff office hours for additional feedback on your work.

5. Submitting

Submit your coursework using the named submission link in the Assessment Section of your Course Moodle page. Take care to submit by the deadline or you may face lateness penalties.

Document creation- Group Written

1.   Please name files in the following way: GroupNo_CourseCode_QuestionNo.  e.g. Group3_ACCFIN4099_1.  If there is no question choice, use 1 as the default.

2.   The file type must be .doc,. .doxc, .xls, .xlsx or .pdf.

3.   Include your group number in your document, ideally in the header on each page with the course code and title, e.g. Group3_ACCFIN1003_Finance1.

4. One designated member of the group should submit the file to Moodle.

5.   The maximum file size limit on Moodle is 230MB.

6.Student conduct

Referencing and bibliography

For information, please goto theUniversity Library webpage.


For advice and more information, please go to:

• Student Learning Development web pages

• University Plagiarism Statement

If you make use of AI at any point in your research or writing process, no matter at what stage, you must acknowledge the use of that source/platform as you would any other piece of evidence/material in your submission.


Your coursework will be processed through Turnitin for similarity checking.  You can submit a draft of your coursework to Turnitin before submitting your final copy.  You will find information about using Turnitin in the Student Information Point Moodle USIP

7.Generative AI

Generative AI offers many new opportunities for learning and the development of academic   skill although, like any technology, it must be used judiciously.  Students should consider the data protection and privacy issues that can be caused by using AI.  Consider how your personal information will be used before signing up to AI tools and ensure you read any data protection policies before interacting with AI.  You should not feel pressured into using AI   tools if you are uncomfortable with the data protection or privacy issues.  Bear in mind that responses to AI queries can be biased due to the inherent biases present in their training   data.  This can lead to unfair and discriminatory responses.

Copying (including paraphrasing) AI responses to queries would be considered as plagiarism, as it would for copying the response from any internet search.

Further information can be foundhere.

8.Extensions and non-submission with good cause

Extension of up to 5 days

If you experience extenuating circumstances which prevent you from completing your assessment by the deadline, you can request an extension of up to 5 days via Moodle.

Good cause for non-submission, late submission and extension of more than 5 days

We understand that during your studies, events that you cannot control (e.g., death of a  family member, personal circumstances, physical and mental ill health, etc.) may impact your ability to perform well in or complete assessments.

If you are experiencing such circumstances, you can submit a good cause claim in MyCampus.

You have five working days from the assessment deadline date to submit your good cause  claim. If you are prevented from submitting your claim within five days for good reason, you must detail this in your claim. You will receive an acknowledgement on MyCampus when

you submit. After you have submitted your claim, you have five working days to retract it.

If you have any questions, please contact your subject team:


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