MET AD599 Final Course Project

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MET AD599 Final Course Project

Initial steps (you have already done these for Assignment #4)

· Download SQLiteStudio from (

· Download the Chinook database from the SQLite tutorial


In this project, you will interact with the Chinook database to form the foundation for a company business plan. The company has a database with inventory, personnel, and sales information. The company is contending with several questions as it struggles to survive:

§ We need to promote 1 current employee to Sales manager within the store. Who should it be? Use the data available in the database to develop a way to measure the best candidate for the job and then make a recommendation

§ The owner wants to know how often customers return to and purchase items at the store. Develop a histogram showing the frequency of time between visits is a helpful resource

§ Develop 3 interest metrics for this music store. For example, something that might be interesting and measurable could be the amount of money earned by the store/track/day.

§ Solve a specific SQL question, and then solve it with the integration of Python and SQL.

1. Phase 1 – (10 points)

1.1. Write out a plan to complete the analysis on the manager promotion. How will you decide this? What measure of success will you use? (2 points)

1.2. Write down which tables you will use to develop data to form a histogram, as well as how you will compute the required data in Python (2 points)

1.3. Develop 3 metric ideas for application to the database. Think about the pros and cons of each (why would it be helpful to know? Why not?). (2 points)

1.4. Some customers make multiple purchases. Therefore, each customer has different total purchasing amounts. We want to know the first name, last name, address, phone, email, total amount, and spending ranks of the customers who are 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 8th, and 12th highest in purchasing.  Include your SQL queries and result screenshot. (4 points)

2. Phase 2 – (10 points)

2.1. Use SQL and Python to complete task 1.1 and recommend an employee for promotion (2 points)

2.2. Use SQL and Python to complete task 1.2 and create the histogram (2 points)

2.3. Use SQL and Python to complete task 1.3 and show the initial value of the metric that you chose (2 points)

2.4. Use SQL and Python to complete task 1.4 and show the results. (4 points)

3. Presentation and Report (6 points)

Summarize your results in a report with a maximum length of 5 pages. Be sure to include your name and student ID. Your presentation slides are not required to be uploaded to Blackboard, but they will be needed for your presentations.


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