CS544 Final Project
Picking the Data Set
Look into the following sites as an example and select a data set that interests you. 1. https://www.kaggle.com/datasets
2. https://github.com/fivethirtyeight/data
3. http://www.kdnuggets.com/datasets/index.html
4. Any other source of your choice
Preparing the data
. Import the data set into R.
. Document the steps for the import process and any preprocessing had to be done prior to or after the import. Any R code used in the process should be included.
Analyzing the data
. Do the analysis as in Module3 for at least one categorical variable and at least one numerical variable. Show appropriate plots for your data.
. Do the analysis as in Module3 for at least one set of two or more variables. Show appropriate plots for your data.
. Pick one variable with numerical data and examine the distribution of the data.
. Draw various random samples of the data and show the applicability of the Central Limit Theorem for this variable.
. Show how various sampling methods can be used on your data. What are your conclusions if these samples are used instead of the whole dataset.
. Use Data wrangling techniques from Module6 for the appropriate analysis of your data.
. Use plotly for your plots for interactivity.
Code Files
. Use RMarkdown for the code. You can start with the provided template
. Render (Knit) the RMarkdown to HTML.
Submitting the Project
Upload a single zip file (CS544Final_lastName.zip) containing all the code as
RMarkdown (Rmd file) and all the results in a RMarkdown HTML. If the dataset is
directly imported from internet, no need to include the dataset. Otherwise, include your dataset file also in the zip file before uploading.