ECON2112 Game Theory and Business Strategy

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ECON2112 Game Theory and Business Strategy - 2024

Published on the 25 Aug 2024

General Course Information

Course Code :  ECON2112 Year :  2024

Term :  Term 3

Teaching Period :  T3

Course Details & Outcomes

Course Description

Game theory is a structured way to think about strategic interactions and it is fundamental to the understanding of modern business strategy. In this course, you will be introduced to the basic tools of Game Theory and its applications to business choices. We will cover normal form and extensive form games, games of perfect and imperfect/incomplete information, and will introduce equilibrium concepts such as Nash Equilibrium, Subgame-Perfect Equilibrium and Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium. We will also look at repeated games and the theory of reputation. Game Theory will not only equip you with an understanding of the basic principles of strategic analysis but also empower you to integrate ethical and sustainable considerations into the application of abstract theory to specifc real-world business challenges.

Course Aims

ECON2112 is offered as part of the economics stream in the BCom and BEc degrees.

Prerequisites for this course are ECON1101 Microeconomics 1 (or COMM1100) and ECON1202 Quantitative Analysis for Business and Economics. This course aims to build on basic theories  and knowledge learnt in these prior courses. The knowledge acquired in this course is further developed and used in third-year courses including ECON3121 Managerial Economics and ECON3123 Organisational Economics among others. The course is useful for students in Mathematics & Statistics, Computer Science and Engineering, especially those who are interested in Data Science.

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

Program learning outcomes

CLO1 : Apply abstract theory to concrete

problems demonstrating an understanding of the basic principles of strategic analysis

including solution concepts.

 PLO1 : Business Knowledge

 PLO2 : Problem Solving

• PLO3 : Business Communication

• PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice

• PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence

• PLO7 : Leadership Development

CLO2 : Compute pure and mixed strategy Nash equilibria in normal form games.

 PLO1 : Business Knowledge

 PLO2 : Problem Solving

• PLO3 : Business Communication

CLO3 : Solve perfect information games using backwards induction.

 PLO1 : Business Knowledge

 PLO2 : Problem Solving

CLO4 : Compute pure and mixed subgame perfect equilibria in extensive form games.

 PLO1 : Business Knowledge

 PLO2 : Problem Solving

CLO5 : Analyse problems and formulate

strategic solutions with a focus on ethical and sustainable outcomesutilising tools provided by the course materials.

 PLO1 : Business Knowledge

 PLO2 : Problem Solving

• PLO3 : Business Communication

• PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice

• PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence

• PLO7 : Leadership Development

CLO6 : Develop succinct and clear work that refectsethical and sustainable principles, to communicate ideas presented in a logical, professional and manner.

• PLO3 : Business Communication

• PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice

• PLO7 : Leadership Development

Course Learning Outcomes

Assessment Item

CLO1 : Apply abstract theory to concrete problems demonstrating an understanding of the basic principles of strategic analysis

including solution concepts.

 Problem sets

 Final Exam

CLO2 : Compute pure and mixed strategy Nash equilibria in normal form games.

 Problem sets

 Final Exam

CLO3 : Solve perfect information games using backwards induction.

 Problem sets

 Final Exam

CLO4 : Compute pure and mixed subgame perfect equilibria in extensive form games.

 Problem sets

 Final Exam

CLO5 : Analyse problems and formulate strategic solutions with a focus on ethical and sustainable outcomesutilising tools

provided by the course materials.

 Problem sets

 Final Exam

CLO6 : Develop succinct and clear work that refects ethical and sustainable principlesto communicate ideas presented in a

logical, professional and manner.

 Problem sets

Learning and Teaching Technologies

Moodle - Learning Management System | Zoom | Bloom AI Tutor

Learning and Teaching in this course

Approach to Learning and Teaching in the Course

The lectures, tutorials, and assessments have been designed to appropriately challenge students and support the achievement of the desired learning outcomes. A climate of inquiry and dialogue is encouraged between students and teachers and among students (in and out of class). The lecturers and tutors aim to provide meaningful and timely feedback to students to improve learning outcomes.


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