COMP3411/9814 Artificial Intelligence
Term 1, 2024
Assignment 1 – Bridge Puzzle
Due: Friday 15 March, 10pm
Marks: 12% of final assessment
This project is based on a popular puzzle, variously known as "Hashiwokakero", "Hashi" or "Bridges". You will need to write a program to solve this puzzle, and provide a brief description of the algorithm and data structures you have used. The input to your program will be a rectangular array of numbers and dots, for example:
Each number represents an "island", while the dots represent the empty space (water) between the islands. Numbers larger than 9 are indicated by 'a' (10), 'b' (11) or 'c' (12). The aim is to connect all the islands with a network of bridges, satisfying these rules:
1. all bridges must run horizontally or vertically
2. bridges are not allowed to cross each other, or other islands
3. there can be no more than three bridges connecting any pair of islands
4. the total number of bridges connected to each island must be equal to the number on the island
For example, after reading the 10-line input above, your program might produce this output:
4-2" 2 " 3E8EEE6 2
# |2 " " " # "
" # " # #2# |
" #5===9Ea--8=bE8E4|
4=5# " # " # " |3
#2==4 #1-5 # 2 |"
2=7=4===7=2" 5===3"
4==3-1 2
Note that single bridges are indicated by the characters '-' or '|', pairs of bridges by '=' or '"' and triples by 'E' or '#', depending on whether they run horizontally or vertically. Water between bridges and islands is indicated by space characters ' '.
In some cases, there may be many solutions, in which case your program should only print one solution. More details about the puzzle can be found on this Wikipedia page. Note, however, that our version allows up to 3 bridges instead of 2; also, we do not insist that the entire graph be connected.
An executable file called bridgen is provided in the tools directory which can be used to generate sample data of any specified size (type bridgen -help for details). Another executable called bridgecheck is also provided, to help you test the validity of your solutions (see FAQ for details).
At the top of your code, in a block of comments, you must provide a brief answer (one or two paragraphs) to this Question:
Briefly describe how your program works, including any algorithms and data structures employed, and explain any design decisions you made along the way.
Language Options
You are free to write the code in a language of your choosing.
· If you write in C, C++, or another compiled languge, your program will be invoked by: ./hashi
You should submit your source files (no object files) as well as a Makefile which, when invoked with the command make, will produce an executable called hashi
· If you write in Python, your program will be invoked by: ./
You should submit your .py files (including
The first line of your code must specify which version of Python you are using, e.g. #!/usr/bin/python3
· If you write in Java, your program will be invoked by: java Hashi
You should submit your .java files (no .class files).
The main file must be called
· If you wish to write in some language not covered by the above options, let us know and we will try to accommodate you.
· Regardless of the language, you are not allowed to use dedicated constraint programming packages like python-constraint, etc. You are expected to implement the search method(s) yourself.
You should submit by typing
give cs3411 hashi ...
Remember to include all necessary files in your submission (including the one with the answer to the Question).
You can submit as many times as you like – later submissions will overwrite earlier ones. You can check that your submission has been received by using the following command:
3411 classrun -check
The submission deadline is Friday 15 March, 10 pm.
5% penalty will be applied to the mark for every 24 hours late after the deadline, up to a maximum of 5 days (in accordance with UNSW policy).
Additional information may be found in the FAQ and will be considered as part of the specification for the project.
Questions relating to the project can also be posted to the Forums on WebCMS.
If you have a question that has not already been answered on the FAQ or the Forums, you can email it to [email protected]
Your program will be tested on a series of sample inputs of successively increasing size and difficulty. There will be:
· 6 marks for functionality (automarking)
· 4 marks for your algorithm and implementation
· 2 marks for answer to the Question
You should always adhere to good coding practices and style. In general, a program that attempts a substantial part of the job but does that part correctly will receive more marks than one attempting to do the entire job but with many errors.
This assignment may be done individually, or in groups of two students. Groups are determined by an SMS field called pair1. Every student has initially been assigned a unique pair1 which is "h" followed by their student ID number, e.g. h1234567.
1. If you plan to complete the assignment individually, you don't need to do anything (but, if you do create a group with only you as a member, that's ok too).
2. If you wish to team up with someone, you should go to the WebCMS page and click on "Groups" in the left hand column, then click "Create". Click on the menu for "Group Type" and select "pair". After creating a group, click "Edit", search for the other member, and click "Add". WebCMS assigns a unique group ID to each group, in the form of "g" followed by six digits (e.g. g012345). We will periodically run a script to load these values into SMS.
Assignment 1 FAQ
This page was last updated: Monday, 04-Mar-2024 09:12:16 AEDT
1. Can you give us any hint on how to get started?
You could start by scanning the map into a 2-dimensional array. Then, make a list of all places where a brigde might occur – in other words, places where two islands appear on the same row or same column, with no other island between them. It may be helpful to think of multiple bridges between the same pair of islands as a single bridge with multiple "planks". The puzzle then becomes a Constraint Satisfaction Problem where the Variables are the bridges, and the Value of each variable is the number of planks in that bridge, which could be 0, 1, 2 or 3.
2. Can you provide any starter code?
The file in the tools directory provides code for scanning the map into a 2D numpy array.
The file in the code directory cantains code for solving cryptarithmetic puzzles with a basic backtracking search. This might help you to get started with a basic search (which you could then improve on).
3. What will be the maximum size of the input, and maximum runtime?
Your program will be tested on a variety of inputs ranging from small to large. There will be no more than 40 rows, 40 columns, 500 islands and 800 bridges. The maximum runtime will be two minutes (120 seconds) for each input.