Effective Date: January 8, 2024
Course Title: Explorations in Mass Communications Course Number: CMNS 130 Credits: 3
Course Level: ☒ First Year ☐ Second Year Former Course Code(s) and Number(s) (if applicable):
☐ New ☐ Revised Course ☐ Replacement Course Enter text
Department: Humanities Contact: Sami Coteli
Admission Requirements: Enter text
Pre-requisites (If there are no prerequisites, type NONE): NONE
Co-requisite Statement (List if applicable or type NONE): NONE
Precluded Courses: N/A
This course is an introduction to the role of mass communication in Western society. Students will examine the structure and process of mass communications, emphasizing television, radio, new media and the press. The role of mass communication in socialization, public opinion formulation and social change will also be investigated.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
. Understand how to critically examine the various forms of mass media.
. Connect how mass media affects our lives to various extents.
. Analyze how power and the market influence information in our society.
. Understand the shifting modes of communication.
Total Hours: 39 Total Weeks: 14 (Fall, Spring) 12 (Summer)
Instructional (Contact) Hours:
Type |
Duration |
Lecture |
39 |
Seminars/Tutorials |
Laboratory |
Field Experience |
Other (specify): Enter text |
Total |
39 |
Grading System: Letter Grades ☒ Percentage ☐ Pass/Fail ☐ Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory ☐ Other ☐
Specify passing grade: 50%
Evaluation Activities and Weighting (total must equal 100%)
Assignments: 10% Specify number of, variety, and nature of assignments: Watching movies related to the topics to participate in the discussions |
Lab Work: Enter %% |
Participation: 10% Specify nature of participation: Course engagement, attendance, in class forums, and in-class participation |
Project: Enter %% Specify nature of project: Enter text |
Quizzes/Test: 15% |
Midterm Exam: 30% |
Final Exam: 30% |
Other: Contrubution 5% |
Provide a full reference for each text and/or resource material and include whether required/not required.
Media & Communication in Canada (9th Edition) -Gasher, Skinner, Lorimer (Oxford)
Additional readings will be provided and posted by the instructor to MyCC
List topics and sequence covered.
Week 1 |
Fundamentals of Communication and Mass Communication |
Week 2 |
Mass Communication and Its Functions |
Week 3 |
Power of Mass Media on Society |
Week 4 |
Perspectives on Media and Audience |
Week 5 |
Critical Theories to Mass Communication |
Week 6 |
Cultural Imperialism and Mass Communication |
Week 7 |
Midterm Exam |
Week 8 |
Culture Industry and Cinema: Audience and Reception |
Week 9 |
The Changes Made In The Working Class By Cinema |
Week 10 |
Communication Technology and Society |
Week 11 |
Journalists as Content Producers |
Week 12 |
Popular Music as a Mass Communication |
Week 13 |
Video Games |
Week 14 |
Final Exam |