Last Revised: March 10, 2023
Course Title: Introduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web Course Number: CSCI 165 Credits: 3
Total Weeks: 14 (Fall, Spring) Total Hours: 39 Course Level: ☒ First Year ☐ Second Year
12 (Summer) ☐ New ☐ Revised Course
☐ Replacement Course
Department: Computer Science Department Head: M. O’Connor Former Course Code(s) and Number(s) (if applicable):
Pre-requisites (If there are no prerequisites, type NONE): CSCI100/Comparable course
Co-requisite Statement (List if applicable or type NONE): NONE
Precluded Courses: N/A
In this course students will examine some of the concepts underlying the use of multimedia and the Internet in society. In the process, students will obtain basic skills in the use of computers for multimedia applications including graphics, text processing, HTML, and some programming skills to generate dynamic webpages.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
• Describe how computers are connected to the Internet.
• Explain how information is transmitted over the Internet.
• List some of the services and protocols available on the Internet.
• Explain the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web.
• Describe the client-server model for static and dynamic requests.
• Explain the fundamentals of packet switching.
• Create static webpages using HTML5.
• Apply CSS design to webpages.
• Use graphics files with webpages.
• Compare and contrast the formats of computer graphic files.
• Understand the basics of web design for creating usable websites.
• Use appropriate HTML5 tags to define common elements of webpages, including HTML forms.
• Describe and implement commonly used CSS properties and rules.
• Explain the separation of webpage content and structure using HTML5 and CSS.
• Create simple dynamic webpages using forms to capture user input.
• Define simple algorithms using pseudocode.
• Create PHP programs that use these language features: i/o, variables, data types, control structures, functions and files.
• Construct programs from algorithms using standard programming methodologies.
• Develop dynamic websites using PHP for server-side processing.
Instructional (Contact) Hours:
Type |
Duration |
Lecture |
39 |
Seminars/Tutorials |
Laboratory |
Field Experience |
Other (specify): |
Total |
39 |
Grading System: Letter Grades ☒ Percentage ☐ Pass/Fail ☐ Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory ☐ Other ☐
Specify passing grade: 50%
Evaluation Activities and Weighting (total must equal 100%)
Weekly tests: |
Lab Work: |
10% |
Participation & Attendance: |
10% |
Project: Specify nature of project: |
Quizzes: 20% |
Midterm Exam: |
30% |
Final Exam: |
30% |
Other: |
Provide a full reference for each text and/or resource material and include whether required/not required.
Web Development & Design Foundations with HTML5. 10th Edition. Author: Terry Felke-Morris, Publisher:
Pearson. Published 2020.
ISBN-13: 9780136662402 (Required)
PHP for the Web, Visual QuickStart Guide, 5th Edition. Author: Larry Ullman, Publisher: Peachpit Press, Published 2016. ISBN-13: 978-0134291253 (Not required)
List topics and sequence covered. |
Week 1 |
Introduction to The Internet and The World Wide Web |
Week 2 |
HTML & Web Design |
Week 3 |
Week 4 |
Visual Elements & Graphics |
Week 5 |
Web Design, Quiz 1 |
Week 6 |
E-Commerce & Web Promotion |
Week 7 |
Midterm Exam Algorithms |
Week 8 |
PHP Programming (Introduction) |
Week 9 |
PHP Programming (Variables and Arrays) |
Week 10 |
PHP Programming (Functions), Quiz 2 |
Week 11 |
PHP Programming (Control Structures) |
Week 12 |
PHP Programming (Forms) |
Week 13 |
PHP Programming (Files), Quiz 3 |
Week 14 |
Final Exam |