COMP 2611 Computer Organization

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Course Description 

Inner workings of modern digital computer systems and tradeoffs at the hardware-software interface. Topics include: instructions set design, memory systems, input-output systems, interrupts and exceptions, pipelining, performance and cost analysis, assembly language programming, and a survey of advanced architectures. Prerequisite(s): COMP 2011 OR COMP 2012H. Exclusion(s): ELEC 2300, ELEC 2350 

List of Topics 

Introduction of digital logic 

Data representation 

MIPS ISA and assembly 

Computer Arithmetic 

Processor: Datapath and Control 

Pipelined Processor 

Memory System 


Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface 6th Edition 

Reference books 


Grading Scheme 
4 Homework
1 Individual Programming Project
Mid-term Exam
Final Exam

Course Intended Learning Outcomes 

 Understand the basic concepts of digital logic and build the small circuits involved in computer systems 

 Describe the interaction between software and hardware and instruction set architecture  

 Write and execute small programs of a few hundred lines in assembly language 

 Define the basic concepts of modern computer hardware, including datapath, control, memory and input/output 

 Describe the organizational paradigms that determine the capability and performance of computer systems 

Assessment Rubrics 
Course Learning Outcome
Exemplary (Ato A+)
Competent (C to B+)
Needs Work (D to C-)
Unsatisfactory (F)
1. Use the basic concepts of digital logic and build the small circuits involved in computer systems
Demonstrates thorough theoretic knowledge of digital logic design principles. Has a high degree of correctness in designing small circuits 
Demonstrates sufficient theoretic knowledge of digital logic design principles. Has a considerable degree of correctness in designing small circuits. 
Demonstrates some theoretic knowledge of digital logic design principles Has some degree of correctness in designing small circuits. 
Demonstrates limited theoretic knowledge of digital logic design principles. Has a low degree of correctness in designing small circuits.
2. Describe the interaction between software and hardware and instruction set architecture
Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of the design principles of instruction set architecture
Demonstrates sufficient knowledge and understanding of the design principles of instruction set architecture
Demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of the design principles of instruction set architecture
Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of the design principles of instruction set architecture
3. Write and execute small programs of a few hundred lines in assembly language 
Program correctly handles all specified test cases. The code is very efficient with clear logic, easy to read and understand.
Program correctly handles majority of test cases The code is fairly efficient, easy to read and understand.
Program correctly handles around half of test cases The code works because of brute force; it’s not easy to read and understand
Program fails majority of test cases The code is huge and appears to be patched together without logic.
4. Define the basic concepts of modern computer hardware, including datapath, control, memory and input/output
Demonstrates thorough theoretic knowledge of computer hardware and design principles Has a high degree of correctness in describing datapath and control of given machine instruction, and memory structure
Demonstrates sufficient theoretic knowledge of computer hardware and design principles Has a considerable degree of correctness in describing datapath and control of given machine instruction, and memory structure
Demonstrates some theoretic knowledge of computer hardware and design principles Has some degree of correctness in describing datapath and control of given machine instruction, and memory structure
Demonstrates limited theoretic knowledge of computer hardware and design principles Has a low degree of correctness in describing datapath and control of given machine instruction, and memory structure
5. Describe the organizational paradigms that determine the capability and performance of computer systems
Able to clearly analyze and compare computer performance in all given circumstance
Able to analyze and compare computer performance in most given circumstances.
Able to analyze and compare computer performance in some given circumstances.
Fails to analyze and compare computer performance in most given circumstances. 


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