CMPT 201 Systems Programming Assignment 10

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Assignment 10: Simple MapReduce

In this assignment, you will implement a simple version of MapReduce. MapReduce is a programming framework for processing large data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster. It was inspired by the map and reduce functions commonly used in functional programming. The key components of the framework are those two functions: map and reduce. The map function processes a key-value pair to generate a set of intermediate key-value pairs. The reduce function processes the intermediate key-value pairs to generate the final output. The framework is widely used in distributed computing, and it is the foundation of many big data processing systems, such as Hadoop and Spark. It is used in many courses as assignments due to its elegance and popularity. In this assignment, you will implement a simple version of the MapReduce framework using threads and synchronization primitives.

We note that the description here largely comes from the original MapReduce paper.

Understanding the Basics of MapReduce

MapReduce takes a list of key-value pairs as input and produces a list of new key-value pairs as output. A key-value pair is a tuple where the first element is called the key and the second element is called the value. For example, ("name", "John") is a key-value pair where "name" is the key and "John" is the value. MapReduce takes a list of such key-value pairs as input and processes them to generate a list of new key-value pairs as output. As a side note, if you have many key-value pairs, you can think of them as a table with two columns, where the first column is the key and the second column is the value. A key can be used to look up the corresponding value in the table.

For example, suppose we have the following list of key-value pairs as input, where the key is a line number and the value is a line of text:

("1", "the quick brown fox")
("2", "jumps over the lazy dog")
("3", "the quick brown fox")
("4", "jumps over the lazy dog")

Or, in table form:

| key | value                   |
| 1   | the quick brown fox     |
| 2   | jumps over the lazy dog |
| 3   | the quick brown fox     |
| 4   | jumps over the lazy dog |

Since MapReduce does not use this table form, we will not use it in the rest of this document.

Now, suppose we use MapReduce to process the above list of key-value pairs to count the number of occurrences of each word. The output could look like the following, where the key is a word and the value is the number of occurrences of the word in the input:

("the", "4")
("quick", "2")
("brown", "2")
("fox", "2")
("jumps", "2")
("over", "2")
("lazy", "2")
("dog", "2")

Another side note here is that using this output, we can use the word as the key to look up the number of occurrences of the word.

If a developer wants to use MapReduce to perform this kind of processing, they need to write two functions, map and reduce. The MapReduce framework takes those functions, runs them, and performs all the necessary work to produce the final output. We will look at the details shortly, but in general, the map function (written by the developer) takes a key-value pair as input and generates a list of intermediate key-value pairs as output. The MapReduce framework then collects all the intermediate values associated with each intermediate key and passes them to the reduce function. The reduce function (also written by the developer) receives an intermediate key and the corresponding list of intermediate values as input and generates a list of new key-value pairs as output.

Let's apply this to the example above. A developer needs to write the map and reduce functions to count the number of occurrences of each word. Thus, the developer writes the map function to count the number of occurrences of each word in each line of input. Then the developer writes the reduce function to sum up the numbers from each line to get the total number of occurrences of each word.

More specifically, the developer writes the map function so that it takes one input key-value pair (e.g., ("1", "the quick brown fox")) and, for each word, generates an intermediate key-value pair where the key is the word and the value is the number 1 (e.g., ("the", "1"), ("quick", "1"), ("brown", "1"), ("fox", "1")). The number 1 indicates that the word has occurred once. The following shows the complete intermediate key-value pairs produced by such a map function (map is called four times, once for each line of input):

("the", "1")
("quick", "1")
("brown", "1")
("fox", "1")
("jumps", "1")
("over", "1")
("the", "1")
("lazy", "1")
("dog", "1")
("the", "1")
("quick", "1")
("brown", "1")
("fox", "1")
("jumps", "1")
("over", "1")
("the", "1")
("lazy", "1")
("dog", "1")

Then the MapReduce framework (i.e., not the developer) collects all the intermediate key-value pairs produced by the above map function, and performs grouping. What this grouping does is that, for each intermediate key, it collects all the intermediate values associated with the key and makes a list of them. The output looks like the following, where the key is the word and the value is a list of all intermediate values (i.e., 1s) associated with each key (i.e., each word):

("the", ["1", "1", "1", "1"])
("quick", ["1", "1"])
("brown", ["1", "1"])
("fox", ["1", "1"])
("jumps", ["1", "1"])
("over", ["1", "1"])
("lazy", ["1", "1"])
("dog", ["1", "1"])

The MapReduce framework then passes each intermediate key and its associated list of intermediate values to the reduce function. The reduce function (written by the developer) then sums up the numbers in the list to get the total number of occurrences of each word. The following shows the complete processing of all the intermediate key-value pairs with such a reduce function (reduce is called eight times, once for each intermediate key-value pair):

("the", "4")
("quick", "2")
("brown", "2")
("fox", "2")
("jumps", "2")
("over", "2")
("lazy", "2")
("dog", "2")

The above final output is the list of key-value pairs that show the number of occurrences of each word in the input.

As it turns out, map and reduce are quite powerful and can be used to solve a wide variety of problems. For example, map and reduce can be used to find a line in a file that contains a word, to count the access frequency of a web page in a web server log, to get the list of all URLs that contain a link to a specific web page, and so on.

Understanding Concurrency in MapReduce

The original MapReduce is designed to process large data sets where the map and reduce functions are executed concurrently on a cluster of machines. In this assignment, you will not use a cluster of machines, but you will use threads to execute map and reduce concurrently on a single machine.

The concurrent execution of map and reduce works as follows.

  • The MapReduce framework creates a set of threads to execute the map function and another set of threads to execute the reduce function.
  • The framework partitions the input key-value pairs into multiple chunks. The number of chunks is equal to the number of map threads. Let's consider the above example again to understand this better. If we have two map threads, the framework partitions the input key-value pairs into two chunks. The following will be the partitioning of the input key-value pairs:
    • Chunk 0: ("1", "the quick brown fox"), ("2", "jumps over the lazy dog")
    • Chunk 1: ("3", "the quick brown fox"), ("4", "jumps over the lazy dog")
  • The framework then assigns each chunk to a map thread.
  • Each map thread processes its assigned chunk by calling the map function repeatedly, once for each input key-value pair in the assigned chunk. Note that all the map threads run at the same time, processing their assigned chunks concurrently.
  • The framework then collects all the intermediate key-value pairs produced by all map threads.
  • The framework then again partitions the intermediate key-value pairs into multiple chunks and assigns each chunk to a reduce thread. Again using the above example, if we have four reduce threads, the framework partitions the intermediate key-value pairs into four chunks. The following will be the partitioning of the intermediate key-value pairs:
    • Chunk 0: ("the", ["1", "1", "1", "1"]), ("quick", ["1", "1"])
    • Chunk 1: ("brown", ["1", "1"]), ("fox", ["1", "1"])
    • Chunk 2: ("jumps", ["1", "1"]), ("over", ["1", "1"])
    • Chunk 3: ("lazy", ["1", "1"]), ("dog", ["1", "1"])
  • The framework then assigns each chunk to a reduce thread.
  • Each reduce thread processes its assigned chunk by calling the reduce function repeatedly, once for each intermediate key and its associated list of intermediate values in its assigned chunk. Note that all the reduce threads run at the same time, processing their assigned chunks concurrently.
  • The framework then collects all the final key-value pairs produced by all reduce threads and outputs them as the final output.


There are several requirements for this assignment.

  • Your MapReduce framework is a library that implements necessary functions that a developer uses to process their data.
  • You should not change the provided code as we will replace those for our grading. You can add your own code/files as needed.
  • interface.h defines the functions that you need to implement.
    • mr_exec() executes the MapReduce framework. A developer calls this function to run map() and reduce(), and get the final output. You need to write this function to run the framework. A developer can call this function as many times as they want to process different input key-value pairs. The function takes the following arguments.
      • The input key-value pairs.
      • The map() and reduce() functions that the framework should execute. Note that a developer writes map() and reduce() functions. map() takes one key-value pair as input and generates zero or more new intermediate key-value pairs as output. reduce() takes one intermediate key and the list of intermediate values associated with the key as input and generates zero or more new final key-value pairs as output.
      • The number of map threads and the number of reduce threads. You need to create the specified number of threads to execute the map and reduce functions.
      • A buffer for storing the final output. The framework should store the final output in this buffer.
    • mr_emit_i() and mr_emit_f() handle intermediate and final key-value pairs. A developer calls (within map) mr_emit_i() to pass intermediate key-value pairs to the framework, and calls (within reduce) mr_emit_f() to pass final key-value pairs to the framework. You need to write these two functions to collect intermediate and final key-value pairs. A developer can call these functions as many times as they want within map() and reduce(), respectively.
    • The order of the input key-value pairs should be preserved for map(). For example, if the input key-value pairs have the following order: ("1", "the quick brown fox"), ("2", "jumps over the lazy dog"), ("3", "the quick brown fox"), and ("4", "jumps over the lazy dog"), the framework should call map() with the input key-value pairs in the same order. When dividing the input into chunks, the framework should also preserve the order of the input key-value pairs. For example, if we use the above input key-value pairs and two map threads, the framework should call map() with the following two chunks: ("1", "the quick brown fox"), ("2", "jumps over the lazy dog") and ("3", "the quick brown fox"), ("4", "jumps over the lazy dog"), one for each thread.
    • The order of the intermediate key-value pairs should be sorted by the key, according to the result of the strcmp() function. For example, if the intermediate key-value pairs have the following key-value pairs: ("brown", "1"), ("fox", "1"), ("dog", "1"), ("brown", "1"), and ("fox", "1"), the framework should sort the intermediate key-value pairs in the following order: ("brown", "1"), ("brown", "1"), ("dog", "1"), ("fox", "1"), and ("fox", "1"). The framework should then group them and divide them into chunks in the same way as the input key-value pairs.
    • Similarly, the order of the output key-value pairs should be sorted by the key, according to the result of the strcmp() function. For example, if the final output has the following key-value pairs: ("brown", "2"), ("fox", "2"), and ("dog", "2"), the framework should store the final output in the following order: ("brown", "2"), ("dog", "2"), and ("fox", "2").
    • When partitioning input or intermediate key-value pairs into chunks, the size of each chunk should be the size of (all key-value pairs) / (number of threads), except for the last chunk, which should contain the remaining key-value pairs if there's any. For example, if we have 7 key-value pairs and 3 threads, the first two chunks should contain 3 key-value pairs each, and the last chunk should contain 1 key-value pair. If we have 6 key-value pairs instead, each chunk should contain 2 key-value pairs.
  • You need to use pthread to create threads. You should also use appropriate synchronization primitives to ensure that the threads work correctly.
  • You need to write CMakeLists.txt that produces a single executable named mapreduce that runs the test cases in main.c.
  • You may find uthash useful.
  • Similar to previous assignments, you should not hard-code or customize your implementation tailored to our test cases. Generally, you should consider the provided test cases as examples or specific instances of general cases. For example, we can change the constants, the input key-value pairs, the map and reduce functions, the number of map and reduce threads, and so on. Your implementation should still work correctly.

Grading Distribution

  • A single map thread and a single reduce thread
    • [10 pts] Correctly call map with the input key-value pairs using a single thread.
    • [10 pts] Correctly call reduce with the intermediate key-value pairs using a single thread.
    • [15 pts] Correctly generate final output using a single map thread and a single reduce thread.
  • Multiple map and reduce threads
    • [5 pts] Run the correct number of map threads.
    • [5 pts] Run the correct number of reduce threads.
    • [15 pts] Correctly partition the input key-value pairs into multiple chunks and assign each chunk to a map thread.
    • [15 pts] Correctly partition the intermediate key-value pairs into multiple chunks and assign each chunk to a reduce thread.
    • [20 pts] Correctly generate final output.
  • [5 pts] Pass all the above test cases.
  • Code that does not compile with CMake gets a 0.
  • Code that does not generate all the required executables gets a 0.
  • You should not have any data races. We will test this with Clang's thread sanitizer. If a data race is found, there will be a penalty of -10 pts.
  • A deadlock or a livelock should not occur. If a deadlock or a livelock occurs at any point, the grader will stop grading the code and you will get whatever points you have at that time.
  • You should not have any memory issues. We will test this with Clang's address sanitizer. If a memory issue is found, there will be a penalty of -10 pts. For your testing, make sure you also use the debug option enabled in CMakeLists.txt to compile your code with debug information. However, your code should work without the debug option as well. You should remove the debug option when you submit your code.
  • You need to use the same code structure as A8. A wrong code directory structure has a penalty of -10 pts.


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