STAT 231 Online Midterm Test Information

STAT 231 Online

Midterm Test Information

March 8-9, 2024

The Midterm Test will cover the material in Chapters 1-4 of the Course Notes and Assignments 1 to 3. You will not be asked to write R code but you must understand R commands used on the assignments.

Please see the document Chapters 1 to 4 Problems and Sample Midterm Tests posted in the Midterm Test folder on LEARN for a list of practice problems for the Midterm Test.

Have your Watcard with you when writing the test. If you have not been to campus to pick up your Watcard you may use government issued photo ID such as a driver’s licence or passport.

A calculator is required for the midterm. Please check the Faculty of Mathematics Calculator Regulation:

The three approved calculators are:

· TI 30X II (Either the 'S' (solar) or 'B' (battery) version of this model are acceptable)

· Casio fx-300MS

· Sharp EL 531X (EL 531XG, 531XH, and 531XT are also acceptable, as they are the same model with different power supplies)

For the Midterm Test you are allowed one (1) double-sided, letter sized (8.5 x 11 inches) or A4 (210 x 297 mm), page of notes which are written in English on paper by hand. A device such as an iPad may not be used to create this page of notes. No photocopies are allowed.

It is a good idea to bring a ruler to the Midterm Test.

The Normal, Chi-squared, and t tables found in the Course Notes will be provided at the end of the Midterm Test. You must know how to read these tables.

No other tables or summaries will be provided.

Writing on Campus:

If you are writing on campus, the Midterm Test is scheduled for 7-9 pm on Friday March 8 in EXP 1689. Your seating is predetermined so please check your seat assignment at seating assignment will not be available until 2-3 days before the test.

You will write your answers on the provided test paper. Please write legibly with pen or dark pencil since markers need to be able to read your scanned papers.

Writing Online with MS Teams

You will be proctored by a TA using MS Teams. You will be given access to your Midterm Test on Crowdmark.

You must provide your own unlined blank paper. You must write your answers legibly with pen or dark pencil on this paper.

You need to download an app such as Adobe Scan so you can scan your answers, create a pdf and upload the pdf to Crowdmark. You will be given a reasonable amount of time after the two hour test to scan and upload your answers to Crowdmark.

For more details please see the documents Preparations for Online MidtermInstructions for Online Midterm Test, and Student Instructions for Crowdmark Timed Assessments posted in the Midterm Test folder on LEARN.


All students regardless of the location of their Midterm Test are given 2 hours to write their answers.


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